Into the light

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Yes yes. You read right. The lord of sea creatures have finally decided to crucify Agent 8 and 3. What they've done is despicable. They shall atone for their crimes by forcing the writer to write more of this CRAP that people are actually reading?!?
Hey you! Yes... no. The one in class.
Get back to work pls😉
And YOU. No, not you, the one in the pink shirt, flush the toilet, wash ur hands and then read.
(Ok what the heck am I doing?!)

Lol More smut ahead.

Landon (Agent 3) POV

"No, stop it. Please."
I heard a distant voice. It was Milo.
Was he in trouble? I shot awake and immediately looked around. In front of me laid Milo, cuddled up and crying. Cold sweat ran down his bare body.
Shirtless body
*Key word*
S h i r t l e s s

I blushed. 'That wasn't a dream?!' I thought.
'I REALLY TOOK AWAY HIS VI-.' My thought was almost immediately interrupted by sobbing. I looked back at Milo.
He was breathing heavily. "Milo, hey you ok?" I asked him as he stirred.
He looked up at me. His eyes were red and puffy. Dry tears were replaced by wet ones. He stared at me in disbelief.
"No. I can't, you're not real." He said between sobs.
"What do you mean? I'm real!" I said.
I hugged him. "See? You feel me right?" I asked. I felt him nod on my skin. "I feel you too. See? We're both real. And I'm not going anywhere." I soothed.
He looked at me again. His eyes teared up more than before and cried into my chest.
"I love you." He cried.
"I love you too Milo." I replied as we both fell back asleep.

A few hours later.


"Hey Tesh, could you go upstairs and get Milo and Landon please?" Marina asked.
The 3 (Pearl, Marina and Tesh) sat at the table until Tesh stood up and walked upstairs.

He lightly knocked on the door. There was no response. He paid no mind and slightly opened the door. Tesh saw Milo and Landon cuddling in the bed.

He walked downstairs and told Marina about the situation. "Awwwww I knew it." Marina replied.
Pearl looked like she also approved. As she replied with "Power Couple."

Agent 8 POV (Milo)

I woke up and felt tight. 3 and I were cuddling in the bed.
I blushed. Wait. Are we together now? Since we had se-. My wandering thoughts were interrupted by 3.
"Morning." He slurred. "Good morning." I beamed. He placed a soft kiss on my forehead and asked. "What do you wanna do today?" I thought. Ever since we did it, I was super sore. I really just wanted to stay in bed all day.
I tried to sit up but pain shot through my back and I quickly laid back down.
"Hey take it easy, you're probably really sore aren't you?" He asked. I nodded.
"You can lay in bed. I could get you something to eat." He suggested.
"I'm not hungry." I managed to say.
Everything really hurt. I felt useless. How could something feel so good but so bad at the same time?
"Come on, you gotta eat something." He encouraged. I finally managed to sit up against the bed. "Fine. I don't know what I'd eat though." I gave in. Sanitized octarians aren't supposed to have emotions or hunger in this matter. "Ok! I'm not the best at cooking but I know some stuff.
"I can help. I always liked cooking." I beamed. "Ok. I can help you downstairs and we could make something." He replied.
I nodded as I scooted near the end of the bed. "Let's get a shirt on you first." He teased. I blushed. I had completely forgotten that we never had shirts on.

He gave me one of his shirts and he picked me up bridal style and walked downstairs. He set me on the couch and I saw a note on the coffee table.

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