Sending Kisses

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Smut ahead. I repeat. Smut ahead.
If you're not interested in the intoxicating stuff I'm into, you can head over to the next chapter.
You have been warned.

Milo POV

3 and I stayed on the balcony for a while. But the question he asked me earlier kept me thinking. Is there a way for me to be 'Un-sanitized'? I thought of many possibilities. As I was thinking about this, I unknowingly drifted off to sleep, still in his lap.

A few hours later I woke up to 3 right next to me, fast asleep. 'We're not outside anymore.' I quickly thought. I quietly slipped out of bed and left the room. Almost immediately, I was greeted by Tesh. "Hey, we need to talk." He said. I followed him to his room while he closed the door. "Milo, you said that you don't remember who I am but is that true?" He asked.
"Um no sorry. I only remember when 3 first met you." I told him.
"So you remember that you fought Landon before that right?" He continued.
"Who's Landon?" I asked him.
"Agent 3." He quickly replied. I nodded in response.

"I don't remember fighting him when we were down there." I stated.
"Ok. I'm not sure how much of your memories you have. But it'd be best to try and remember soon." He replied.

I nodded as someone knocked on the door. "Come in." Tesh said. They opened the door.
"Hi Marina!" I beamed. "Hi Milo, looks like the gang is back!" She exclaimed. Tesh chuckled. I didn't know what she meant but I nodded in response.
"8, I know most of us have been talking in Inkling, so I decided to teach you how to speak inkling." She said.
"I know how to speak Inkling." I said.
Tesh was shocked. "Wait, you do?" He asked. "Yeah, I just remembered so earlier today actually." I claimed. "Well, I can teach you the ones you don't remember!" Marina butted in. "Ok then." I gave in.

We talked about when we were underground. I didn't recall much of it but I enjoyed hearing about my memories.
"And then you told him that you didn't need a weapon to mess him up." Marina said as she giggled.
I laughed. "You were so mad, I never thought you could say things like that!" She said in between laughs.
"I'm gonna go back to the room." I said as I stood up.
"If you say so. Seeya." Tesh said.

I walked back into our room and immediately blushed. It was 3.

He was naked.

"Ahhhhh." I stopped.
I slammed the door shut and locked so no one else could see.
"Wait what am I doing? I shouldn't be here." I said flustered as I aimed for the door. I tried my best to talk in inkling.

"No, its fine." He said as he blushed. It was quiet for a beat.
"You can speak inkling?" He broke the silence. I only nodded as my face stayed red.   
I was so embarrassed that I didn't do anything but I somehow managed to drag myself to sit down and curl up at the door.
My face was red. Almost completely red.
He quickly got dressed and sat on the bed.
"Um you can look now." He motioned.
I slowly stood up and I walked to the bed, and laid on his shoulder. "So. What were you 3 talking about?" He asked.
"When we were underground. Though, I don't remember much of it. I only know about the Metro and Kamabo Co."
I mentioned. "Hm." He nodded. He looked over at me.

Smut ahead....

"Something wro-." I said.
He interrupted me with a kiss.
We both blushed as I gave in. He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance.
I quietly moaned as I opened. He immediately swarmed into my mouth with his tongue. We fought over dominance and he easily won. We separated with only our saliva connecting us. He leaned me onto the bed, so then he was above me. He kissed me again, this time my mouth was already opened. He explored every corner of my mouth. I moaned in response as our tongues interlocked.
He started touching my chest. I slightly squirmed until I gave into the touches.
He directed his hand to my stomach as we separated again.
This time he kissed my neck.
"Ah~." I moaned. "3, I-." I stopped as I moaned again.
He began to softly bite my neck. But then on one spot, he bit hard.
"Mm!" I exclaimed.

We slowly sat back up.
His hand was now down to my waist. He lowered his hand as I quickly set mine down in the middle of his lap. He moaned in response as he kept nipping at my neck. He looked at my shirt.
"Can I take it off?" He asked while he held on to it.
"Only if you do too." I blushed. He nodded in response and took off my shirt.
He took off his shirt and threw it to the side to who knows where. He started touching my bare skin and I moaned in response.
"Can I take of your pants too?" He questioned.
I blushed. I slowly nodded as he went for my waist. He slid down my pants until I was fully naked. My face was red. So was his.
He also took off his pants and sat back down on the bed. I stared. Maybe for a bit too long since he took notice. "What?" He asked. "It's big." I whispered. He chuckled.    
"Well we've come this far. You wanna do it?" He asked.
I madly blushed. I stayed quiet for a while. How was it going to-
"It's ok if you don't. I mean we only just kissed a few hours ago." He said.
"I want to." I said softly. "Alright then."
He said a bit too quickly. As if he wanted to do this for some time.
He leaned in and roughly kissed me. I moaned in surprise. I raised my hands up to his head and placed it there as we kissed.
I never wanted this to end. He was intoxicating. He pulled back as we both breathed heavily. He put 2 fingers in front of me. I looked at him in utter confusion. "Suck." He said.
Confused, but obeyed like I was supposed to, I slowly put his fingers in my mouth and sucked. I swirled my tongue numerous times until he could easily slip them out.
He got close and said; "You ready?"
I slowly nodded as he slid his finger inside of me. "Ahh." I exclaimed. "Shh~." He said quietly the as he slipped the other finger inside.
Tears formed from the corner of my eyes. I felt him move his fingers as if it were scissors inside of me. He eventually took them out as he grabbed his...

(umm...How do I put it?) His...
(Screw it all.)

He grabbed his dick and had the tip right at the entrance. "Ahh~." I moaned.
"Shh, its okay." He said. He leaned over and kissed me as a distraction and thrusted inside.
I never had time to react as he forced my mouth shut with his. I strongly kissed him back. We fought over dominance and I won this time. The only reason why I won was because of pain. Tears fell down my cheeks as I explored his mouth. I pulled back and 3 did the same. "Can I move?" He asked.
"Mm." I replied. He slowly moved which made me moan.
After minutes he began to move faster until we were at a pace that we could keep at. I kept moaning every time he thrusted harder and harder into me.

3 moaned near my ear. "I'm close." He said.
Out of the blue, I felt him pull out. I gasped in shock and of the feeling of being empty as he and we both came over my stomach.
We breathed heavily. I sat up, I kept looking at his dick.

'It really fit.'

I kept staring until he asked.
"You wanna suck on it?" I nodded.

We got into a comfy position and then I placed my mouth on it. I slowly bobbed my head up and down. 3 slowly began to hold my head. And each time he did he brought it down faster. He kept doing this until he to full control and was the one moving my head. He kept moaning and moaning until he kept my head down. I felt like I was choking. But it felt good. He moaned again as he came into my mouth. I sat up as some come dripped from my mouth.
"Swallow it." He ordered. I obeyed and swallowed. It tasted weird. But it'd get used to it.

I was exhausted. We both were. I mean, who wouldn't?  I laid on the bed. 3 got up and got our clothes. He only put our pants back on. He got in bed as he kissed me on the forehead and gave in to sleep. As I did only a few minutes before.

I did it! 🤗🤗 yayy
If you really read this... are you ok? Am I ok? No, I'm really not but this isn't about me. It's about you.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed that. Its
10:30 pm where I am when I wrote this.
So I'm tired. 😴😴😴

Huh? What?

You know what? Ima go sleep.
So wherever you are.
Good Morning/Night/Evening/pay attention in school.
Oh and did you guys like the chapter name? I think its the best!!
I thought of it in Ch.7 and I was like
"I have to use it." 😛😛

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