My name is...

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Btw, that's Agent 4 and 8
Congrats Agent 4 fans! They're here!
I'll try and make him important but there are moments with him in the later chapters

This takes place a few weeks after the incident. Milo can walk and speak somewhat properly. And still doesn't have all his memories.

(I can remember them 4u! My baby🤗). That's pretty much it. Comment on any questions you have!

Agent 3 (Landon) POV

I slowly opened my eyes and in front of me I saw 8. He was sitting down on the floor in front of the balcony. "G'morning." I rose. 8 shot up and looked at me. He replied with a gentle wave. "Did you sleep well?" I asked as I sat up. The octoling nodded. Then, we heard a knock on the door. And 8 limped over and curiously opened the door. It was Marina. She immediately hugged him. 8 clearly was confused, having gently pulled away. They were talking in octarion. I could only understand the 'yes and no's'. She then began to whisper something to him. He slowly nodded and slowly walked towards me as Marina kept the door slightly open. I was still sat up on the bed so 8 crawled up right next to me. He set his head on my shoulder and just laid there. I blushed. I looked at 8 only to see him looking at me. "What was my name?" He whispered. I was shocked. "Milo. I thought of it while we were in the metro." He nodded. I lied. I knew where his name really came from. But I didn't want to confuse him.  "How old was I." He asked. Woah. I actually never knew his age. He must be young though.

Ugh, he's so cute I just wanna ki-. And just then, 8 leaned up and kissed my cheek. And immediately after blushed an aqua color. He covered his face and was muttering words in octarian.
"Pffft-." I heard from a voice outside. There stood Tesh, with the door open. He was clearly stifling a laugh, but failed miserably as he pointed at us and kept laughing as he held onto his stomach.

"Haha! So funny!" I said sarcastically. "Now can you tell me what he said."
I knew octarian and I could speak some but that was years ago.

He kept laughing and he repeated the same words Milo had said. "Ugh! I didn't think he would ever say that."
"What did he say?!" I asked again. 8 was still mumbling words while Tesh fell to the ground, still laughing.
A soon as he calmed down, Tesh translated exactly what 8 had said.

I immediately blushed.
I quickly looked at 8 in shock. He was terribly flustered you could tell. He quickly looked at Tesh and was talking to him rather quickly. He had a really worried face as he spoke. Tesh quickly chuckled and replied. Milo slowly nodded. Tesh looked back at me. "Hey, um we need to talk. Its about 8." Tesh said in inkling. "Yeah sure." I replied quickly. "Ok I'll be in my room. See ya then." He finished as he gave me a small wave then closed the door.

I stood up from the bed. Milo quickly followed. He tipped over a bit but quickly gained his balance. I walked backwards a bit. He walked towards me. 'Is he gonna follow me around?' He walked towards me until we were only inches away. Milo wore a straight face as he inched closer. He placed his head on my chest and wrapped his arms around my back.

Milo POV

I wrapped my arms around 3. I wish we could stay like this forever! He slowly hugged me back. "You've been through a lot Milo. I can't imagine what you're even thinking right now." 3 said.
'I love you. So much.' I thought. Thats what I was thinking.
Sooner or later he gently pushed me off and puts on some proper clothes. I stayed in my uniform. He opened the door and I followed him until we got to Tesh's room. "Oh, stay here. Tesh and I are gonna talk alone for a while." He said. I followed him anyway. "8 stay here." He repeated. He looked mad. He sighed. "Why don't you go talk to Marina for a bit." He said, a bit irritated. I obeyed while I gave him another hug.

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