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Kozmo initialized the fight between him and Zevan

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Kozmo initialized the fight between him and Zevan. Little did they know that someone is watching them afar.

"Kozmo enough! I rather have you back in the isle than you going out getting people in trouble!" as of now they're stabbing each other with their own words of wisdom.

The dark haired boy didn't even listen a bit and stood erect in front of the mad prince who kept yelling at him.

Zevan didn't want to hurt him at all, he was just threatening him but it doesn't work anymore.

This is one of the reasons why Ben chose him to be a part of Auradon. Zevan was nothing alike to his parents and what Ben saw is that he has a pure heart.

"You're nothing just like the knave, you left me in the isle! you let me rot in that hell hole for years! ever since father died I waited for you but you just forgot about me and all" so that was the reason.

Kozmo has no intention of intruding in Auradon, he just wanted to see the person he once treated as his own brother.

Ever since Pitchiner Black died, he felt abandoned for most of his life and Zevan took care of him back in the isle but things changed so he was upset at the thought of being outcasted.

As for the knave's story, the knave adopted him but it was when Zevan is in Queen Mirana's hands and when the proclamation was made to shut all villains in the isle, he was included there.

Right after that the knave was nowhere to be found and so the others might've thought he was already dead.

"The king and queen of Arendelle should pay for what they've done!" Kozmo was furious.

Not only because someone abandoned him it's because the kingdom has issues with his father.

They're all aware that pitchiner's son is here for revenge and they just didn't know why he would take it all out on Arendelle.

They didn't even have a background check of who killed Pitchiner Black but Kozmo knew something about it.

"You didn't know what they did to my father! I almost grew up with Elysium and none of you didn't even saw what she did before!" Kozmo yelled loud enough for everyone to hear.

"They accused me for hurting their daughter but it was her who attacked my father with her ice power! and that thing frozed his heart to death!!" everyone was left confused.

The truth is always the source of evil and Kozmo admitted that Princess Elysium was the one behind his father's death.

It was a lie all along, the king and queen of Arendelle must've spreaded the opposite news to other kingdoms and made the pitchiner's the bad people in their story.

"But you taking revenge won't change anything Kozmo , I'll go back in the isle with you just.. give in" Zevan's voice echoed in the area.

Some of the VKs are not approving of what the prince said. They don't want Zevan going back to the isle and just wanna fix everything with him.

"You don't get it! they killed my father while accusing me for trying to hurt their monster of a daughter!" what Kozmo said was out of the line for calling the Princess a monster.

Everything happened was just an accident. They even heard reports that the Princess couldn't control her powers that day and has no intention of hurting both Kozmo and his father.

"You're crossing the line Kozmo! Pitchiner didn't raise you like this and so is the knave! you were lucky that you get to spend time with him while me? he fucking abandoned me! so you don't go disrespecting the manners they gave you when they were still here!"

Zevan's voice went deep and it was not like him. His hair and eyes are slowly turning red while his whole body's emerging a powerful aura around him.

Kozmo was now in fear. He didn't expect he would snap like this and he looks like he got out of hell.

He was trembling and nervous. His sudden words of anger turned into a fearful one while he kept staring at how the VK in front of him is transforming into something he haven't seen yet.

"What? oh so now you're scared?" the older VK was slowly walking up to him.

"Wh─at that pen-pendant? how did you get it?" Zevan didn't answer and instead he grabbed Kozmo's neck choking him in mid air.

Right, he felt pityful of the kid. He doesn't have any power with him just that glowing eyes and fireballs he kept throwing.

The prince of hearts can hear his friends yelling to stop as he wasn't doing the right thing.

"P─put me down! I give up!" Kozmo fell on the ground holding his neck. It's not that he was weak, he was just powerless at the moment.

And Zevan just wanted to threaten him to stop from destroying everything as if he can so he scared off the all of him.

"The pendant was given by the knave" Zevan muttered while holding a silver looking necklace around his neck.

It was glowing as if there's a hidden ember inside and no one will know about it. The knave gave it to him when he was still a little child in Wonderland.

Queen Mirana took a hold of it and treasured it as she was planning on giving it to him when the day comes that he's all grown up.

"I keep holding onto it and I feel protected, since no evil power could surround me and I just want you to know what I'm pointing" his words put Kozmo in a daze.

"I want you to know that whatever grudge you're holding inside of you and getting revenge for it won't make you better nor both Pitchiner and the Knave would approve of you from doing awful things on your own, you don't deserve this and as far as I know your heart is also pure" Zevan spoke in a low tone only he could hear.

Whislt the latter lowered his head in disappointment, he felt like it was almost his fault and he disappointed a lot of people even from the isle.

They stood there for minutes and finally Kozmo gave up. He already made a choice that he won't do it again but there's no promising that he'll cause trouble in the isle since he's a villain after all.

They both shrugged at the thought, well atleast he'll be back in the isle and no more intruding to the other kingdoms.

"Well you chose the right path so let's get you and your crew back in the isle" they walked back near the other part of the bridge to meet their friends.

They were forgetting something and it slipped out of Zevan's mind since he was a little distracted from how the others are so proud of him by helping Kozmo overcome his bad deeds.

"Kozmo's too hard headed, I'll punish you back in the isle matey" they all laughed at him and they thought it was finally over but.

"Well well that was quite entertaining" someone appeared behind Zevan and as quick as possible, the others backed off.

"Ah stupid bait ─you could've made him feel bad so he could trigger his powers but oh well I'll have you for myself!" the Evil Queen fished out a scepter.

The scepter has an ember in it and by the looks of it, it belongs to her. She swung it and took no time in stabbing it in Zevan's chest.

The male fell on his knees from the sudden outburst of weakness because of the powers the scepter was doing to him.

"No!! Leave him alone!" the Evil Queen let out a viscious laugh and flew up high above them.

While the prince of hearts is now lying on the ground. The others went to him but they were too late as his cold body was now unconcious.

They couldn't think of an idea on how to stop the Evil Queen and Zevan was their only hope.

They held his cold body trying to wake him up but it was no use. He was put to sleep so the Evil Queen can now do whatever she wants.

"Finally it's my time to rise!"


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