Chapter 06 : It's a freaking BOMB !!!

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I opened my eyes. I tried to see around, but couldn't see anything. Just a blurred vision. I tried to move my arm but it wouldn't. I was locked inside something, I figured out as I could hear and feel my own breath over my face.

Where was I ? The last thing I remember is being crushed under a mobile tower and someone saving me.


I was walking all alone to where exactly I didn't know. I saw a bus, got into it, arrived at the last stop. Now, I'm just walking to.. God knows where.

My life was devastated. There's no point to live now..
I heard a sound, a plane of some kind. I looked around. I was on a barren land and the plane was just above me. All of a sudden, it dropped something..

Something big.. a BOMB ?!

Who cares.. I've to die anyways.., I thought. But,
I looked above again.


I tried to run away but it has already made contact with the ground. Flames came right through it. I was running as fast as I could but my feet got stuck in some wires going to a nearby mobile tower. I somehow freed my leg from the wires and tried to move on.

The shockwave hit me hard. I found myself tumbling for atleast a whole minute now. Suddenly, I heard the mobile tower creek. Shit ! It was going to fall on me.

I tried to get up, but it seemed that my body had already given up

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I tried to get up, but it seemed that my body had already given up. I couldn't move !!!

The tower creeked again and this time, it started to fall as it tilted.


I was just sitting upright now. Sweat on my forehead. It was just another nightmare, I reassured myself. Argh! Where was I ?

I tried to get up but my legs were stuck. A few seconds ago, my hands and face were locked too somehow, how did I get them free then ?? I was confused.

I looked around - it was a basement of some kind. "Anyone here ?!", My voice echoed as a ray of light made its way through the tiny window. I heard it 4 more times before it died. Then complete silence. My vision was still blur. I shivered as I felt a cold breeze touched my arm.

I shivered.. and shivered.. it didn't stop. I noticed my hands - they were vibrating, at high.. very high frequency. I shook my legs, they too started vibrating. I pulled them back quickly and got free.

I tried to stand, but I couldn't. My whole body seemed postureless as I tried to walk. I rubbed my hands over my biceps to get rid off the stupid shivering. And it did, surprisingly.

What's wrong with me ?!

I thought for a while as I stumbled upon a chair, but somehow passed through me. RIGHT THROUGH ME ?! My feet faltered. I tried to speak. But only CREECHHHH - like high frequency sounds came out. I helplessly made my day towards what it seemed to be a door.

When I tried to grip the handle, my hands just went right through it. Was I drunk ? I lost my balance all of a sudden and stumbled forwards. I went right through the door, God knows how. It felt like it was nothing.

Then I saw some stairs too. But before I could reach them, I felt unconscious and I fell down. Again.

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