Chapter 5

80 14 108

20th October 2019


"One last time, people!" Mike's voice echoed throughout the Launchpad of the Astrascends, a huge crater the size of a football field.

I was standing by the large glass window of the Headquarters, viewing the current scenario among the Astrascends, and the changes that had occurred after my time in the Spirit Prison. Violet had volunteered to give me a tour of the place I'd once built, which now felt unfamiliar to me.

"After Realmies, stay right here, your bubble is scheduled for 9:00 am... And White Realmies, due to your immense patience, we have scheduled your bubbles for 9.30 am!" He announced, his voice filled with enthusiasm.

After Realmies?

White Realmies?

My jaw twitched, trying to hold back my words.

"I know that Spirits can't eat, but we've still got refreshments for you, so head over to Daisy and Kyle, cause they've got the treats!" Mike winked, and half the crowd swooned, while the other half laughed.

"Are you a part of the treats?" Flirted a girl in the crowd.

"Unfortunately no, my lady," Mike shook his head, still grinning. "I'm in a committed relationship with my Clovie."

The crowd 'ooh'ed and 'ahh'ed at his mention of his girlfriend Clover, whom he hadn't seen for over two months. The din grew louder, the atmosphere fun-filled and jubilant as if we were at a party.

This was nothing like what the Astrascends were supposed to be.

"To those of you who want to ease your nerves, we've got a DJ Simon here, just blasting the latest music hits from the Earthly Realm, I'm telling you, you'll love it."

Some unfamiliar song started playing, and to my surprise, the crowd started singing along, all aged Spirits and young ones alike. Even a few higher Spirits could be spotted, their pure white robes swirling around them like haloes.

This was madness.

This was -

"Brilliant, isn't it?" Violet asked me, her dark blue eyes alight with happiness.

"Are you out of your mind?" I hissed, my blood boiling at the sight of the chaos. "This isn't LOLtube, this is the Astrascends, a liberalist group-"

"Exactly! We're a liberalist group, we aren't boring and orderly like the ISA," She answered swiftly.

"Violet, you can't possibly expect me to accept this chaos-"

"Shay, this chaos is exactly what they need... To loosen up before they get a chance to fulfil their destiny..." She answered, a small smile upon her powder blue lips. In fact, her whole face ranged with various shades of blue, making her look otherworldly.

"This isn't what Isaac and I had in mind," I frowned at the floor.

How had Isaac let this happen anyway?

Was he okay with all this partying and despicable human behaviour?

"Sir Claudius suggested this idea. By the way, he's Lord Claudius now, he joined the Enlightened just last week," She told me.

"Really?" I asked, thinking about boring old Claudius. Who would've guessed that he had suggested something as scandalous as this?

"And, Isaac is okay with this too," She added, easing my frown lines to smaller creases. "He even commended us on doing a good job."

"Fine," I sighed.

"Shay, just chill, okay? You can take as much as time as you want before you head the Astrascends again," She told me soothingly, placing her hands upon my shoulders, and steering me away from the window.

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