Chapter 16

64 9 111

20th November 2019


Manipulating Shay Williams is one of the easiest things I've done in my life.

For one thing, the girl's madly in love with me. Two, she did everything I told her to, and I didn't even have to move a muscle. Three, she never questioned my motives and raged those who warned her against me.

Of course, Shay was still under the delusion that I loved her. Any sane person would've wondered how an Enlightened like me could still retain such worldly desires.

The thing is, I don't love Shay.

I'd given up on my feelings for Shay Williams long ago, the day I'd become one of the Enlightened. At first, it was hard, days of sorrow and pain striking me repeatedly at the thought of losing her. I nearly couldn't reach the White Realm.

After heart-wrenching sacrifices and difficult rituals, I'd wiped away any remaining residue of my feelings for her, knowing that it was the only way I could survive.

The only way I could use every ounce of my power for good.

Today, I'd asked Shay to meet me at our secret cave. There was one last thing she had to do, not only because I wanted her to, but because fate was forcing it onto her life.

"Izzy!" Shay squealed as she entered the cave, her eyes shining with admiration as she neared me. I notice that she was wearing a figure-hugging dress, another frail attempt to think that would make me love her more.

As I said, she's delusional.

"Shay!" I told her, mimicking her level of excitement. It was essential to soften her a bit before I could demand things from her.

"I missed you," She cooed, wrapping her arms around my torso.

"I missed you too," I whispered gently, running my hand through her white-blonde hair. It was now longer, getting entangled in my fingers and creating a nuisance.

Argh, I hated things like these.

Like I'd predicted, Shay began to kiss me on the lips, then my jaw, and my neck. I knew that any guy would dream to be in my place, enjoying lowly pleasures such as these and thanking his lucky stars.

However, I'm not any guy. I'm an Enlightened, and I'm above things such as lust. Even with Shay's body pressed against mine, I don't feel a thing, and it's literally a chore to pretend like I did.

"You're amazing, Izzy," She grinned up at me, her fingers tracing patterns on my face.

"Not as amazing as you," I repeated like a parakeet, wondering when she'd want an actual conversation with me.

"Why were you so rude last time?" She gave me a playful frown. "You could've warned me about Noah in a nicer way."

"I'm sorry, sugarcakes," I kissed her again. "I  was worried that you might have already left for the Spirit Prison."

Shay nodded like she understood.

"Where is Noah anyway?" She asked after a while.

"He's in the Earthly Realm, and he's trying to reconnect with Renee," I replied. I wasn't in the mood to explain the Johannes drama, and Shay was dumb enough to not ask about it.

"Typical," Shay rolled her eyes. "As long as he hides from the ISA, things would be okay."

"The ISA is crumbling," I tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. "All thanks to you and the Astrascends."

Shay blushed at the compliment.

"Really?" She questioned eagerly. "Are we that good?"

"More powerful than most things in the universe," I assured her. "They've almost fulfilled their destiny."

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