Chapter 22

54 8 69

26th November 2019


I sat still upon my chair, unable to fathom what was even going on here.

Fergus Smith continued to complain, now talking about youngsters like us and how we had no respect for the elderly. He chastised Sam for eating like a pig (when he'd barely touched his food) and Renee for being too quiet. He was about to comment on my messy hair when I sent him a glare that was enough to shut him up.

I didn't understand how Johannes could take up the form of another human. Did he possess an old man's body every time he wanted to visit Phyllis?

But why?

And on top of everything, he seemed to enjoy criticising himself very much.

"I'm telling you, Philly," He coughed. "That Johannes is soon going to meet his doom. Nutters like him should've been sucked into the Pit long ago!"

"Johannes has escaped the Pit, multiple times," I challenged, giving so-called Fergus a steely look. "He's stronger than it."

"Of course, you'd say that. Look at this boy, Philly! He's been brainwashed already!" Fergus guffawed.

"If you hate Johannes this much, then why do you want to even talk about him?" I questioned him again. "He's hardly a pleasant dinner table conversation."

Fergus blinked at me.

Then he roared like a lion.

"The insolence!" He stood up, looking affronted. "The audacity! How dare you speak to the elderly like that, boy!"

All this while, I'd been doubtful of Fergus being Johannes, but the way he'd delivered that one statement was enough proof.

"Fergie, calm down," Phyllis started cautiously.

He threw me another fake look of anger, before retreating into his chair.

Once dinner ended, Renee dragged me to the side, away from everyone else.

"Did you have to pick up a fight with him?" She asked, exasperated. "He's Phyllis's friend, and we should treat him-"

"He's Johannes," I told her plainly.

Renee's mouth fell open.

"I don't know how, but he's here, cosying up to Phyllis and I'm not leaving until I figure out the end of this mystery," I told her firmly.

Clover was still sleeping in the living room when we found her. I wondered how long she'd be asleep, and if Mike was planning on staying with her forever. Sam bid farewell right then, telling us that his mom might be looking for him.

Technically, I should've headed home too, but Johannes was here, now sipping on the drink Phyllis had concocted for his so-called headaches.

"That's much better, Philly," He grinned at her. "You're the best."

Phyllis smiled, sitting down on the couch next to him. He took her hand in his, almost as if they were a couple.

"Are you two... Is this..." Renee ventured cautiously.

"Yes, Renee dear," Phyllis gave her a knowing smile. "Fergus is the boyfriend I've told you about."

They were together?!

Renee looked as disturbed as I'd felt. I didn't have anything against Phyllis dating someone, but the fact that it was Johannes made it all the more frightening.

Especially when he was already running behind Miss Claire.

I felt sick to the stomach. Johannes was using someone as sweet as Phyllis for who knew what. And I wondered if I could do anything to bring the truth to light.

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