Chapter 24

37 7 58

2nd December 2019


Clover Hayes has been running on a serotonin high for the past few days.

It was as though her smile had been permanently glued onto her face, her green eyes locked in a dreamy gaze as she sang sonnets about Mike and their love. Give it a few days, and I'm certain you'll find her singing to birds and squirrels like one of those Disney princesses.

While I listened with mild interest and a confused Sam asked multiple questions, Renee had retracted to the side, looking misty-eyed.

"Aww, don't worry Ren," Clover seemed to have picked up on her mood. "Once you've been unsevered, Mike will visit you."

Renee nodded quietly. I remembered that Phyllis had charted out a date for Ren's journey to the Tree of Life, just a few days from now. Fergus Smith, a.k.a Johannes, had agreed to oversee the procedure and make sure that she did it right.

Little did they know that I had to blackmail him to help Renee out, or I'd reveal his secret to Phyllis.

"Well, Shay is the one guiding Mike, so she'll make sure that they visit you," Clover told Ren.

"Shay?" I looked at her, distracted. "You mean my friend, Shay Williams?"

"That's her," Cloves affirmed. "Noah, did you know about her breakup with Isaac?"


"What the f-fudge?" I fumbled, knowing that Renee didn't like it when I swore. "They broke up?!"

"It's not just that," She continued. "Shay miraculously got some of Isaac's power, which makes her a Half-Enlightened."

My eyebrows shot up. "Is that even a thing?" I asked Cloves.

"Don't worry, Noah," Clover reassured me. "Shay said that she's going to visit you in a few days since she has a lot to tell you."

"I'm relieved," I muttered sarcastically.

How had so much happened, and I hadn't even noticed?

I vaguely heard Clover tell Ren that Mike missed her, and would visit her as soon as she was unsevered. Renee nodded, looking morose as she forced down her sandwich. She was sinking back into her secluded shell, thanks to Phyllis's training sessions to reach the Tree of Life.

Phyllis and Fergus Smith had advised Renee to meditate for three hours a day. It was an effort to try to retract her soul so that it was easier for her to transcend into the Tree of Life. Every evening after school, Ren could be found at Clover's place, clutching crystals in her hand and chanting crap that I had no belief in.

Being the stellar boyfriend I was, I sat through her sessions, doing homework and clutching a box of tissues so that I was always ready to wipe her tears.

"That's it," Phyllis told her encouragingly. "Dear, you're getting it."

Renee exhaled, the colour flooding into her pale cheeks as her eyes fluttered open. Her brown locks framed her face into pretty waves, which she tucked behind her ear as Phyllis handed her a cup of tea.

"Thank you, Phyllis," She beamed. "I think I'm finally understanding the whole process."

"You're a higher Spirit, Ren," I told her, snapping my math book shut. "These things are easy for you."

"Retracting your soul is not that easy, Noah," Phyllis looked surprised at my words. "It takes immense patience and confidence-"

"Which Ren already has," I pointed out. "I don't understand what incense sticks and crystals have to do with any of this."

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