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‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・☘️・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

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‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・☘️・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

You were in a state of shock. Just a few minutes ago the floor was empty.

Tripping on literally nothing? it was dumb it surely had to be something which resulted you to trip

When you looked behind you saw the reason which resulted you to trip.

There he was with one of his feet forward looking down on you with a an amused smile.

The two arms belonged to Childe who helped you up.

You didn't say but stood quiet instead.

Luckily for you there wasn't much people around.

As for Childe and that boy they were both glaring

"Hey Childe, can we leave?" You had asked.

"Sure, let's all have lunch together." He was smiling. But it wasn't those warm smiles he gave before.

That was not planned even a bit.

"I can't just refuse your offer now can i?" He smiled back. It was definitely not a friendly smile.

Childe not leaving his grip on your wrist he pulled you towards the door to get to the back side of the school.

Pulling you once again towards an empty picnic table he finally let go of your wrist and decided to sit in one of the seats.

You decided to sit opposite side of him, expecting Scaramouche to sit next to him but you were wrong.

He sat right next you making you nervous. What was he planning?

The air was tense. No one spoke a single word.

You had opened your phone to notify Albedo that you wouldn't be with him during lunch.

"Scaramouche have you seen Signora lately?" Childe broke off the silence.

"I could care less about her." He crossed his arms.

Both of them weren't on good terms. It was obvious.

You didn't want to interfere therefore you just stood back and watched them arguing.

Though a voice had came behind which resulted you all to look at who was calling for them.

"Will you both stop acting like kids."


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Hey guys! my exams will start next week, this will be the last update till my exams are over.

Thank you for reading this book although im still trying to get better at writing

Take care of yourselves <3

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