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‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・☘️・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

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‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・☘️・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

"You what?" Childe was looking at you with disbelief.

"You both kissed..?" Signora couldn't believe what you had just told them.

"Is this a really bad joke?" Childe was trying to understand the situation better

"Well there is more to the story." You mumbled.

"Go on.." Signora was listening to you carefully.

Your cheeks were getting warmer by seconds.

When you both parted away for air, When you came back to your senses you tried escaping his grip.

He didn't budge at all but instead he got close to your ear.

"I don't know what you've planned to do with him, but i don't like it one bit Y/n." He finally got few steps away from you.

And left.

"So that's what happened." you didn't bring your head up but you could feel both of them staring at you.

"I'm more worried on what your brother will think if I'm honest." Signora looked at you with worry.

"What do you mean by what i would think?" That familiar voice.

You wanted to get out of the current situation faster.

"Well uhm I uh.." You constant mumbles started to make him worry if something wrong had happened to you.

"Y/n are you okay you aren't hurt are you?" His voice was filled with concern.

"No I'm not." You didn't dare to look up at him but continues looking down.

"You can talk to me about anything i hope you know that." Albedo was starting to wonder if you had gone into trouble.

"Promise not to get mad." You shifted your eyes to just stare are the trees.

"What did you do..?" Albedo was now getting more worried by second.

"I think Childe and Signora can explain it to you i need to go near Amber as i promised her." You suddenly said all those and rushed to the school building.

"Oh well will you look at that, i need to go to my next class haha.." Signora tried to laugh it off as she rushed to the building too.

Now Childe was there to explain everything to him. Alone.

Albedo's gaze at him was not helping at all.

Should he tell everything how you told him or should he skip details he didn't know what to do.

"You normally wouldn't shut up what happened now?" Albedo glanced at him.

"So uh.." He started explaining it how you explained it to him and Signora.

After he told everything he immediately left. Not even waiting for Albedo's words.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・☘️・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

"Hey! Y/n, how did your talk with Thoma go?" Amber was grinning while asking you.

Ayaka and Yoimiya probably told her that he walked you to your class.

"It was okay. Though Amber something happened." You trusted Amber more than your trusted yourself.


"So that's what happened." You took a deep breath after telling her everything.

"So he kissed you?" Amber started asking her questions to herself trying to process what you had said.

"At least the only good thing about him was asking for your consent." She looked back at you with a serious expression.

"Hey, Do you like him?" Amber's sudden question caught you off guard.

Did you? No. You didn't feel any love to him, probably the only feeling you had for him was quite complicated to explain.

His personality wasn't likable, His way with words were bad. He had said many unforgivable stuff to you.

"No, i don't think so. Everyone would blush if they got their first kiss." You replied back.

"I see.." Amber shifted her gaze to meet with his eyes.

He wasn't coming your way but was near  Childe. He was just glancing at your way.

Scaramouche didn't know what he felt but he was sure of one thing.

He liked how vulnerable your face looked.

Especially when he was with you at the library.

He didn't really felt anything when he was kissing you.

When he left you alone at the material room he rushed outside to take fresh air.

His face wasn't very red but he was getting warm. Second by second. Even he didn't know what he felt.

He simply brushed it off saying stuff similar to "They look pathetic." , "I love to see how their face looks vulnerable.."

That was the lies he was telling himself unknowingly.

That was the lies he was telling himself unknowingly

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I forgot to announce it here,

My Xiao fic is published!!

Be sure to check it out and take care of yourselves <3

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