'30→'|Hang Out.

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‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・🌸・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

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‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・🌸・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

"Y/n! It's nice to see you again!" Yun Jin beamed.

"It's nice to see you again too Yun Jin." You smiled at her expression.

"Let's first go to some stores then we'll grab some lunch if that's okay with you." She murmured not sure if it was okay to ask to go get lunch.

She knew you for 2 days after all and she didn't want to bore you out.

"I'd be happy to do so! Lead the way." You spoke out making her smile bloom back on her face.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・🌸・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

"Shopping should be considered some sort of sport it's tiring.." Yun Jin sighed.

Your feet were sore from the amount of stores you both walked into and left.

"Hey Y/n, You seem kind of off these days are you okay?" She asked tilting her head.

"Of course I'm okay! there's nothing wrong." You giggled lifting your drink to take a sip.

No you weren't going to repeat the same mistake. The mistake which resulted you to go through sleepless night, the mistake which resulted you to doubt if you were a good person or not.

"Y/n, We're friends. If you have no one to pour your emotions out, I will always listen to you." Yun Jin took a bite out of the cake she ordered.

"The same goes to you too." You returned the same gesture she had shown.

But something felt off, As if someone was watching you from afar.

"Is something wrong Y/n?" Yun Jin took notice as you continued looking around.

"I felt like we were being watched but I'm not sure." You mumbled out.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・🌸・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

"Thanks for helping me choose between some outfits Y/n! I'm really grateful for that." Yun Jin smiled as you both were walking home side by side.

"Your welcome, I'll always try to help if I have time." You smiled back in return.

To be honest this day felt refreshing since you didn't leave your room lately.

"Y/n I'm really thankful for you. It's been a long since I felt this peaceful." She sighed out.

That made you wonder if something happened to her between her friends.

"Was there something wrong between you and them?" Curiosity got the best of you.

But it would be better to know so you wouldn't repeat anything bad her friends did.

"Just felt left out mostly nothing too serious." She murmured.

"But it's not worth talking about them right now! my house is nearby so I will take a turn, I'll see you tomorrow Y/n." She waved and left.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・🌸・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

Today's events were replaying in your mind.

What Yun Jin said was repeating in your mind nonstop.

"Just felt left out mostly nothing too serious."

That made you feel worse about yourself.

You always got the attention, while they were having their own problems too.

Yun Jin was an example while you were getting all those attention and helpings she was left by herself.

Though seeing her genuinely smiling was making you smile too.

Your phone lit up signalling there was a message.

"Can we talk at the camp place? There's something I have to tell you."

Your happiness suddenly faded away from a small sentence.

First Childe now Signora. Oh how you wondered what the talk would be about.

 Oh how you wondered what the talk would be about

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Sorry for the late chapter lol

I hope you enjoy this chapter and stuff bc I literally hate how this is going 🙁

I'm planning on rewriting it soon during my break!!

Though till then i will hopefully publish some chapters.

Till then take care of yourselves get enough sleep and drink water!! <33

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