Chapter 1

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-Elle's POV-

I'm Elle, 16 years old, and if I were to say, I'm a total badass. I grew up in California, The Bay. I'm a short, tanned, skinny lady with jet black hair that is straight as a pin.

I'm one that you do not want to pick a fight with because I'll beat your ass down. Although I have a pretty tuff side I'm also real caring and girly at moments. I'm one real character that's for sure.

Things aren't all that bad at home. I'm an only child and my dad has been in and out of the house since I was 3. I don't give a hang about him, he's probably off banging some bleach blonde tramp at the moment.

My mom lays in bed all day but when she does get out she screws old dudes. I don't really mind being home alone I get to do what the crap I want.

I heard banging from upstairs. So, I followed the noise. I pretty much walked in on my mom doing it with some guy which was pretty normal. When they saw me, my mom said, "You get out and never come back, ya hear?"

I shrugged and I was fine with it. We weren't rich and didn't live in a nice house so I decided that why the hell not? Running away ain't that hard! This oughta be a journey to remember.

I packed my clothes which wasn't a whole lot. Some tees, jeans, bras and underwear, beanies, my chucks, and a couple of jean and leather jackets.

I saved up a whole lot of money from my part time job at IHOP for something special-which I wasn't going to get anyways. I packed a total of 1600 dollars for the way to nowhere and then I'll get a job.

I grabbed my leather jacket and my backpack and headed out the door. Before I left I threw a rock at my moms window and yelled, "Bye skank!" Now where to go?

I really wanted to go to a tuff neighbourhood where there was some action and someplace that wasn't boring. I was thinking of going to New York but I said that's too risky. So why not Tulsa Oklahoma? Fuck it, let's go.

It was a very long way to walk and I wasn't going to spend all my money on a damn plane ticket. It's the 1960's don't expect me to trust a flying metal bird!

So my options are walk, or hitchhike and walk. The votes are in. . . drumroll please. . . guess who's hitchhiking!

As I was walking in the summer air I was starting to get awful hot so I took off my leather jacket revealing a white tank top I wore underneath.

I won't get into much detail getting there because it was boring as hell! So after all that walking and hitchhiking I made it to my destination! Man, when people say a tuff neighbourhood they mean tuff.

I was real hungry and needed to grab a bite before I died of starvation. I saw this place that looked pretty nice and not that expensive called The Dingo.

I walked in to see a nice blue and white checkered diner with rollerskating waitresses and a bunch of different types of people.

There were the real hot ones with leather jackets and jeans and their hair slicked back with what it seems like grease. They were real tuff.

Then there were a few pretty boys. They were dressed like sissies, rich kids. I was born a hood, raised a hood, am a hood, and always will be a hood.

I sat down at a booth by myself and the waitress took my order. "Just a cheeseburger and a Pepsi please. Thanks hun."

I wasn't usually rude to those who weren't rude to me. But that side of me was coming out real quick. A rich kid sat beside me, put his arm around me, and said, "You're a new girl, huh? Not so bad for a greaser," he smirked dangerously.

I had no idea what he was saying, I'm guessing the tuff guys were called greasers and I'm pretty proud that I fit in with their group.

I wasn't too happy about Mr. Pretty Pants over here flirting with me though. "You listen here, jackass, you made a mistake comin' here and talkin' to me. I don't play games." I snapped pushing him out of the booth. I was very strong for my size.

"Feisty, eh? Just the way I like 'em." He pulled me out of the booth and held me against the table bent forwards as he whispered in my ear, "Hold still and make this easier for me, will ya?"

And with one spin and a fist I backhanded Twinkle Toes square in the jaw and he fell to the ground in pain. "Don't mess with me ever again, will ya?" I yelled imitating him and right before he got up I kicked him where the sun don't shine.

He doubled over in pain and walked out the door with his rich friends. All the greasers stared at the door then back at me and started clapping. I bowed and curtseyed saying, "Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all day."

All the guys laughed and went back to doing what they were doing. I got my food after all the chaos and gulped it all down. I paid and left my tip.

As I turned to walk out the door I bumped into somebody quite taller than me, but then again almost everyone is. He helped me up, "I'm so sorry, little darlin'. What can I do you for?"

"Oh it's okay, you ain't one of those stuck up rich kids. Ya ain't causing me any trouble." I replied looking down.

"Uh, I'm Two Bit. Two Bit Mathews," he introduced himself and held out his hand. When I looked up I saw a pretty attractive young man.

I was too busy staring he was just standing there waiting for me to shake his hand. Nice one Elle. . ."Miss, I know I'm hot and all but you're kinda creeping me out," he chuckled waving his hand in front of my face. "Come sit, let me buy you a coffee."

I blushed and thanked him. I wasn't into him or anything he was just my first friend in Tulsa. A really funny friend.

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