23-7. Protection (Side Ending)

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Y/N sat a random table alone eating his food.

Someone came towards him.
"May I sit here with you Y/N?"
Y/N: " Sure Minnie."
Minnie: " Thank you Hehe."

Minnie sat down beside Y/N and started eating as well.

Minnie: " You know Y/N."
Y/N: " yeah?"
Minnie: " I can't stop thinking about you after the date we had."
Y/N: " Oh?"
Minnie: " I can't imagine what would happen if you weren't that at the swimming pool that day..."
Y/N: " mmm."

Minnie: " Everytime I think about that, I will shiver."
Y/N look at Minnie feeling really bad, in a way he felt that half of the problem was his fault.

Minnie continued: " Y/N, before you tell us the choice 2 days later, I just wanna ask you 1 more time, do you think we have a chance."

Y/N: " you know what? I have an idea."
Minnie: " Hmm?"
Y/N: " We have a swimming pool here, let's race, remember that time I lose to you and you have 1 wish for me to do anything for you?"
Minnie: " Yeah?"

Y/N: " Let's go and race again, if you win, I'll be your boyfriend, if I win, I'll be granted a wish to do anything with you."
Minnie: " Sure, you have lose to me once just to remind you."
Y/N: " I know. Let's go."

The 2 went to borrow a swimsuit and head to the pool.

50meters long pool.

Y/N: " Whoever reaches the opposite first wins Aight?"
Minnie: "Okay!" "My 1 chance to be together with Y/N!"

Y/N: " On a count of 3, 2, 1 Go!"
The 2 dived in and race towards the end.

In Minnie's mind all she have been thinking was to beat Y/N so she can be together with him, it gave her the wrong idea that if she lose she wouldn't be with him. Due to her attention was all drawn from thinking about the consequences, she didn't realise, Y/N has reached first and she was just barely behind.

Y/N: " I win! Haha."

Minnie felt really disappointed, she lost her hope right away. The first reason because of the bet, the 2nd reason was because she happen to tell herself that if she lose she'll not be with Y/N, 3rd reason being how happy Y/N was to win that means he doesn't want to be with her.

Y/N: " Minnie...?"
Minnie: " *Sniff*" she looked away hiding her tears.

Y/N: " Hey it's ok Minnie." He touched her shoulders
Minnie: " Don't touch me!"

Y/N: " Hey relax."
Minnie: " You seemed so happy to win means so that you don't have to be with me..."

Y/N: " Huh? What are you talking about?"
Minnie: " You win, then we don't have to be together, and you seem so happy about it."

Y/N: " Wait wait wait, since when me wining the bet means I don't want to be with you?"
Minnie: " I don't know ...?"

Y/N: " Wasn't me wining the race gives me 1 wish that I can do anything with you?"

That suddenly reminded Minnie " Right... what was I thinking???"

Minnie: " Oh... I'm sorry, I kinda forget about that part..."

Minnie: " So what that you wish for me to do for you?"

Before Y/N speaks, that reminded Minnie she has a wish for Y/N to do anything as well.
Minnie: " I want to use my wish!"

Y/N: " sure."
Minnie: " My wish is that you be my boyfriend right here right now."
Y/N: " You do know that I have a wish to denied that right?"
Minnie: " ... are you really going for that?"

Y/N: " Nope, my wish would be I want the beautiful lady in front of me now to be my girlfriend."

Minnie: " "

Minnie open her mouth to express but nothing came out, she could not believe Y/N did the same wish as her for each other.
She swim towards Y/N and hugged him from head to toe crossing with her legs around Y/N.

Minnie: " Are you being serious Y/N...?"
Y/N caress Minnie's back: " Mmhm."
Minnie hugged Y/N tightly feeling amazingly happy.

Minnie: "This is a dream... I can't believe it..."
Y/N: " Hey don't cry."
Minnie tries to control her tears but it just kept rolling down her face.

Y/N wiped off her tears looking at the cute Minnie trying to control herself.

Minnie: " You are so bad!" She playfully beat Y/N's chest.

Minnie: " You already chose me as your girlfriend yet you do this race to play around."
Y/N: " Hey I'm sorry."

Minnie: " It's ok, atleast you are mine now." She pecked on Y/N's lips.
Minnie: " Let's go back to your house, I want to enjoy my time with you..."
Y/N: " Sure."

The 2 got out of the swimming pool and changed back, then head back to Y/N's house.
Stepping on their road down to their future, whatever lies ahead, you can imagine.
The end.

As you can see I didn't write side endings for every single one of them not because I don't like them or anything, some characters development with Y/N will continue after the main ending.

Next chapter 23. The Best Way (Main ending)

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