"I always feel like somebody's watching me"

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(2 weeks later after the last part)
(Totally not me timeskipping a lot hehe heh)
(Listen to "somebody's watching me" and "she knows" for best feels)
*3rd person*

"Alright Tommy,yes okay okay sorry,I didn't know,sorry" Ellie mumbled to Tommy,standing infront of her.

"It wasn't fun alright,you really had me tricked for a second" Tommy mumbled,acting sad.

"I am sorry alright? I was just tired of you" Ellie mumbled and held his arm.

"Just don't do that again,alright?" Tommy ordered.

"Mhm" Ellie mumbled and focused on the movie playing infront of them.

"You like the Film?" Tommy asked and Ellie nodded,too focused to even care what he said.

"Ellie" Tommy said.

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"Oh look it's your dad!" Tommy shouted

"What?! Where?" Ellie screamed and looked around in horror.

Tommy chuckled for himself and Ellie grunted,this man can't be for real.

"So,are you happy your rid of your Ex?" Tommy asked and Ellie nodded.

"Thank you" Ellie mumbled and Tommy furrowed his eyebrows.

"For what?" Tommy asked.

"Well I guess you sent the police after him and they executed him,right?" Ellie said,facing Tommy.

Tommy chuckled nervously and looked around.

"Yeah,of course I did" Tommy reassured her.

"is the film already over? Very well,goodnight Thomas" Ellie said,stood up and walked out of the saloon.

"Tommy's gone Soft for a little girl" John teased and Tommy glared daggers at him.

"I have not!" Tommy growled and Arthur laughed.

"Maybe it's time to let John take over,I think your not qualified for this job anymore" Arthur joked and Tommy scoffed and stood up.

"I'll show you weak" Tommy mumbled and stormed out.

"He's so going soft" John said and Arthur agreed.

"Ooh Ellie is really gonna hope she were never born,Tommy's gonna bring hell to earth" Arthur mumbled and John nodded.

"Alright I gotta head home,got kids waiting for me,they're a real pain ya know,could use a wife now" John complained and Walked off.


"You already back?" Grace asked,surprised that her sister even came back home from her 'date'.

"Yeah,we just watched the film,then I went home" Ellie said and took her jacket off.

"I am exhausted,can you take the dishes?" Grace asked and Ellie nodded.

"Go to bed,you need rest" Ellie said and her sister smiled,then headed into her room.

Ellie sighed and walked over to take the dishes.

She felt like someone was watching her.

Goosebumps traveled up her neck when she felt a hand touching her shoulder.

A hand creeped over her mouth,however she tried to scream,not a sound came out.

"Tell you sister to take our warning seriously or you will die,and If she doesn't take it serious,you better,or we'll kill your precious Tommy" A voice demanded and Ellie nodded.

The hand was released and Ellie gasped,filling her lungs with air again.

The person was gone.

Ellie leaned against the table and breathed heavily.





Ellie was scared,not only scared,terrified.

She didn't wanna die young.

Ellie shook her head,finished with the dishes,put her jacket on and walked outside to get air.

She needed to tell someone,but it couldn't be Grace nor Tommy,since they were in danger.

Ellie could only think about two people,John and Arthur.

John and Arthur was her best shot.

Ellie guessed that John was home,so she headed there first.


"Alright,now I am all yours,what's bothering you?" John asked and closed the do,before sitting down infront of Ellie.

"Someone,has been watching me,since I came here,I don't know who it is,but the person threaten to kill me or Tommy,if Grace didn't do what he said,first he thought I was Grace,but now he told me to tell my sister,or I'd die,I don't know what to do" Ellie said and looked down.

The words had poured out of her mouth like water.

"We have to tell Tommy!" John spoke,loudly.

Ellie shook her head.

"He's in danger,we can't risk to hurt him,tell Arthur,but not him,please" Ellie said and John sighed,before nodding.

"But I am warning you,if Tommy finds out you kept It a secret from Him,he won't be happy,now you better head home,your sister's probably worried" John said and smiled at Ellie

She smiled back before walking out of the room.

She waved goodbye to John's kids and then left.

She almost ran home,just to be sure.

As fast as she came inside,she locked the door and ran upstairs.

She laid down on her bed and tried to think.

Now she understands why she shouldn't hang around with Shelby's....

~Antidote~ Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now