!New years special!

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This book is coming to an end.......

Due to loss of imagination and stress i have decided to end this story,but you'll hopefully be pleased with the ending.

Thank you for reading this story.

Love you!

//Daily Snail.


*Ellie's pov*

I pulled the covers over my eyes when i noticed the sun sippring throught the curtains.

Someone tugged the covers and i sighed.

"Wake up love,or we'll be in touble soon" The voice of my husband echoed throught the room.

I pulled the covers off my head and met the eyes of my husband.

Thomas Shelby.

I heard footsteps in the hallway.

"Merlin,here we go again..." I mumbled and closed my eyes.

The door flied open.

"Mommy! Daddy! it's new years eve!" The voices of our daughters echoed.

The two twins rushed over and jumped onto the bed.

Our two twin daughters June and Jess.

They had blonde hair and blue eyes.

June was a a few minutes older than her sister,but she was still the same adorable.

They were both seven years old.

"What did we say about knocking?" Tommy asked and sat up,the covers slid off his chest and the two girls snickered.

"Daddy is strong" Jess said and gestured with her arms,pretending she had muscles.

"We know you said knock before you enter,but it's new years eve,and you promised we could go to Uncle Johnny and Aunt Ada,ooh and don't forget about Aunt Artie!" June said with excitement in her voices.

"Did we say that?" I asked and looked at my husband.

"Yes we did,but we did say we would go when you are done,and I don't think you have eaten breakfast yet,right?" Tommy asked.

"No......but we are dressed up!" Jess said and I shook my head and sat up.

"I'll make you two breakfast,your father needs to rest,he's been working all week" I said and pulled the covers off and stood up.

I carefully walked over to our wardrobe and pulled a gown over myself before heading out with the girls.

"Pancakes?" Jess and June asked in union and I let a chuckle leave my lips before I nodded.

"Can we go to auntie Artie first?" Jess asked and I nodded.

Apparently Arthur got Aunt while John got Uncle.

The girls rushed over to the table and sat down on the chairs.

I quickly made pancakes,before handing them over to the girls,who ate the up quickly.

"Done! now we can go to Auntie Artie!" June said and pushed her plate over to where I sat.

"Nope,Your father hasn't eaten yet" I said and Jess scoffed.

"He's so slow,why must he come?" Jess asked and I laughed.

"But Mommy,yoy haven't eaten" June said in concern and I looked down.

~Antidote~ Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now