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(Ignore the change of the writing,it works differently on my school computer,my phone and my sisters laptop)

"Do that again" Ellie mumbled and Tommy furrowed his eyebrows.

"I beg you pardon?" Tommy asked and Ellie sighed.

"Never mind" Ellie said and leaned her head against the wall.

Her back was aching,her eyebrow was stinging with pain,blood sippered out of her pale lips.

She closed her eyes for a moment and let the pain eat her up.

Now she felt it.

She felt it all.

Her toes felt like they were crushed,her legs had big scars on the,threatning to spill even more blood.

Her broken hip ached and ached,never stopping.

She was pretty sure her waist was all blue,but she didn't know.

Her chest felt like it had exploded.

Her throat was sore from all the blood leaping down in it.

And she was pretty sure she suffered from blood loss.

Her brain hadn't noticed the pain until now.

It felt like a truck had driven over her.

She was pretty sure she was not even fully conscious right now either,because she heard a ringing sound in her ears,and her eyes was closed but still she saw a bright white light.

"Woah,don't do that" Tommy catches her when her head decided to limply hang out.

Her body was too heavy for her to hold up,and she let her fall into his arms.

"Ellie" Tommy mumbled and slapped her cheek carefully,trying to wake her up.

"Of course you passed out,great timing" Tommy complained and rose,with Ellie in his arms.

He carried her downstairs.

There sat John and Arthur,both of them looking down into an empty bottle.

"Johnny boy,go get your wife and Polly" Tommy said and dropped Ellie on the table,making both of the men jump in fear.

"Bloody hell what happened to her?!" Arthur shouted and John face palmed himself.

"We left her Like that Arthur,but he's right,I don't remember her looking this bad" John mumbled and looked down.

Ellie's usual blond hair was covered in dry blood,changing her hair color into ginger.

She looked dead,at least in John's eyes.

"just get the f*cking women already before she dies on our table" Tommy growled and John nodded and rolled his eyes before stumbling off,clearly showing that both of them were drunk.

"Alright Tommy boy,why'd you even bring her here,you could've just threw her in the water down at the port" Arthur complained and stood up,wobbly heading for the kitchen to get another beer.

Tommy rolled his eyes at his brother and leaned down to see if the young girl even had a pulse.

"We pretty much beat her to death" Tommy said with concern in his voice.

"Who stole my brother? two days ago you hated this woman,now you act like she's your favorite teddy bear" Arthur asked and Tommy shook his head.

"Well she proved that she wasn't as evil as we thought right? besides she is nice looking" Tommy said and scanned the body of the young girl.

She would definitely get scars.

"Alright let's just get this over with" Polly said and pulled Esme with her.

"Bloody hell,what happened to her?!" Esme shouted and rushed over to look at the girl.

"The shelby brothers happened" Polly growled and stared at the brothers.

"You did this John?!" Esme shouted and John quickly shook his head and pointed at Arthur.

"Hey!" Arthur growled.

"Wasn't me" Arthur said and pointed at Tommy.

Tommy didn't care,he just continued to look at the young girl in pity.

Maybe he did make a mistake,but was the mistake ever meeting her and getting so close to her,or was the mistake beating her nearly to death?

"I made a mistake,and it would be lovely if you two could undo it" Tommy said dryly and backed away from the table.

"We can't promise anything,you should go to a real doctor,but sure,we can try,but she probably won't survive,then that is on you,idiots" Polly spat and pointed at the door.

The brothers rolled their eyes in union and walked out,closing the door behind them.

"Anyone heard anything from her family?" John asked,struggling to even stand still.

"Her brother sent a letter yesterday,explaining why their parents were so dumb,clearly he knew she wasn't dead" Tommy said and Arthur nodded.

"Clearly" John repeated and looked at his brothers.

"We need to get in contact with her family again,know what shady business they do,but leave the brother out of it,he's done nothing" Tommy said and the brothers looked at him and nodded.

"Alright,sounds like a plan" John said and clasped his hands together behind his back.

"Let's just wait for her to wake up" Arthur complained and sat down.

"If" John and Tommy said in union.

"If she wakes up"Tommy continued and looked down,hoping the girl would survive his mistake.

Long since i updated i know,but i have been writing on a draft heheeheh,probably it will be released soon since i wrote four parts yesterday and i feel like i have a good flow


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