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*flashback starts"

"Oh please,it's not even good" Nick grunted and Eleonore chuckled in reply,god she loved her husband almost too much sometimes.

"How long is this film? I have things to do" Nick mumbled and Eleonore looked down.

He was kind,that she swore on,but he's just special,sometimes Eleonore found it annoying that he never seemed to want to spend time with her,only if it had anything with her family to do.

Eleonore couldn't understand why he seemed to like her family so much,sure they were rich and powerful,but they weren't the kindest of them all.

"Soon,be patient love" Eleonore replied charmingly and leaned on his shoulder,just for her to shake her head off.

"I have to go,you better be home by seven tonight" Nick said and Eleonore nodded.

Like she said,he was 'kind' in his own way....

*Flashback ends*

Ellie woke up the next morning with the same feeling in her stomach as the same night.

She felt bad for not telling Tommy and Grace,since it was their lifes in danger,and she felt bad for keeping the truth from them.

She didn't dare to be alone,when she first woke up she was scared,scared to be all alone in this room at night.

She was just Terrified. That's just the pure truth.

"Ellie wake up,John has called a meeting and apparently we are invited,a specially you.

Oh no....

Ellie felt like puking,now she was scared as hell.

What if John was going to tell them,what if he lied,he'll tell Tommy,and Ellie will be there,then Tommy will know that Ellie kept all that from Him ever since she came here.

"Ellie!" Grace shouted again,this time she came inside.

"Dear gods! You don't look well at all,do you have fever?" Grace asked worringly and felt if Ellie's forehead was warm,which it was.

"I'll tell them your sick,I'll go to the meeting and see what the want,I'll be back soon,alright? There is some tea downstairs" Grace announced and Ellie nodded,not feeling well enough to speak.

Grace left and now Ellie was scared again,she didn't want to be alone.

'Maybe they're at John's house' Ellie thought then got out of bed.

She shuttered when the cold air hit her naked body.

She walked over to the wardrobe and took a skirt and a blouse,not caring how she looked.

She just brushed through her bushy morning hair,not caring enough to out it up.

Once she was done she put on slippers,then ran straight to John's house.

She opened the door and heard multiple voices.

She walked over to the living room door and opened it slowly.

There they all sat.

"Ellie! You shouldn't be up walking! You've got bloody fever" Grace complained and Ellie just rolled her eyes.

The three brothers all looked at her with different expressions.

John looked worried.

Arthur looked like we was about to break out in laughter at any minute.

And then there's Tommy.....

He looked like a ticking bomb,ready to explode,but the anger wasn't meant for Ellie,but for Grace.

"Why didn't you tell me she is sick? I could have gone there to give her company" Tommy growled at Grace,the whole sentence sounded like he was talking about a thing and not a human.

"Excuse me, She  is standing right here,wondering why this meeting was called" Ellie asked and John sighed.

"I was just telling them that we are all in danger,I told them what you told me yesterday" John started and Ellie liked at him with a betrayed expression.

"That your friend is being followed by someone,and you are worried she might get hurt,so you asked us for help" John finished and exhaled,seeing how Ellie's shoulders tensed for a second,before turning normal.

"Y-yeah right" Ellie lied and John looked at her with an asking expression,he tried to ask her 'Did you really think I'd tell them? A promise is a promise'.

"I should maybr head home,I don't feel so well" Ellie said dryly and walked out,before anyone else could say anything back.

Now she really felt like puking,her stomach felt like it had made a back flip and everything switched place.

She needed something else to think about,but what?

~Antidote~ Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now