Chapter 11: Power Surge (Electro Arc)

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It's been 2 weeks after finding out about Francine. All he could think of is her. Y/n was now walking through the crowd. He then bumps into a familiar face, It was Keemia.

Keemia: Sorry...

Y/n: It's ok. That was my fault.

Keemia: Okay. Have We Met? Cause your voice sounds...Familiar.

Y/n: No, I don't think we have. I'm Y/n, Y/n L/n.

Keemia: Keemia, Keemia Marko.

 Y/n: Huh, Are you new here?

Keemia: Yes. Me and my Dad just moved out here. 

Y/n: Oh, I see. I'll see you around. 

(Timeskip to Night Time)

Later in the hospital the doctors were checking on Francine. Every now and then.

The Author Who knows what happened Last Time In a Hospital:

The Author Who knows what happened Last Time In a Hospital:

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(AN: Don't Get it? Read Chapter 7 If You haven't)

Francine's Vitals then start to speed up. The Electricity was coursing through her veins

Doctor #1: Wait, This Doesn't make sense. Her Vitals are off the charts...

A Explosion of Electricity Explodes in the Room. Francine Awakens from her sleep.

Francine: Where Am I?

Francine then grabs a Sweatshirt-Jacket and walks off into the city.

Later with Y/n, He was swinging through the city and had recently got Keemia's Number. His Phone started to ring. It was Harry.

Y/n: Hey Harry. I was on my...

Harry: Francine is gone.

Y/n: What! No...She Can't be...

Harry: No Shes not here in hospital. Like Missing...

Y/n: Missing? How?!

Y/n Then sees a glowing light from Times Square. He gets ready to investigate.

Y/n: Hey, I-I'll Call you back.

Harry: But you don't kn-

Y/n ends the call and swings off to Times Square. He gets to Time Square and see Police surrounding Francine:

Francine: Please, It's Not My Fault. Stop!

Policeman 1#: Calm Down Ma'am everything will be fine. Just Stay where you are.

Police then try to get near Francine but due to her being nervous and confused her powers counteracting to the police.

Francine: I'm Sorry, Sorry Sorry...

Her Abilities then cause the Police Car to Flip over and go flying. Luckily Y/n catches the car from crushing an Officer.

Y/n: I'm Glad You're not those cops who ride a horse.

Y/n then approaches Francine.

Y/n: Hey Sparky...

Francine Then Looks up to see Y/n she has a look of confused look on her face as she doesn't recognize Y/n.

Y/n: Francine?

Francine: Who are you?

Y/n: I'm Spider man. I've come to help you. Can you tell me what happened?

Francine: I don't remember anything. I just blacked-out...

Y/n: Everything is going to be okay Francine, Alright. Just come slowly...

Francine starts to walk slowly toward Y/n but step in water on accident causing her to be electricuted. A sniper the tries to immobilize her but misses. She Send a Blast of Electricity towards the Sniper's way. Y/n shoots a web to Francine but the web line was more of a cord and shocks Y/n knocking him back. The Shock also cause his Web shooter to short circuit.

A Billboard nearly fell on a Police Officer, But Y/n Web Pulls him out of the way. The Crowd watching the scene cheer for Y/n. Y/n approaches Francine. Meanwhile Francine hears voices in head. She remembers that Y/n was Spider Man. She was now angered knowing one thing: He Lied to Her.

Francine: You Used...

Y/n: No...I didn't Use you...

Francine: YOU LIED TO ME!!!!!!!

The Screens in times square start to glitch up as Francine is now officially pissed off. She channels her powers and uses them on Y/n. Y/n is able to dodge  the Blasts. He Notices people were caught in the crossfire. There was a billboard about to crush one group of People, While another was about to get shocked by the electricity.

Y/n then rushes to the first group and Webs up the debris. He then leaps towards the other and stop anybody from stepping in water. He successfully saves the Civilians as the find safety.

Francine: I wanted to be with you, Now...You've broken My Heart into pieces...

Y/n: Francine, You're My Friend...

Francine: Friend? Friend?! YOU. USED. ME!!!

Francine then fire more bolts of electricity as Y/n dodge the bolts.

Y/n: I Don't want to fight you Francine...

Francine: I wouldn't want to fight me neither...

Francine the shocks Y/n causing him to get knocked back.

Y/n: Don't Make me hurt you...

Francine: Don't make me laugh!

Y/n then sprays water on Francine incapacitating her.

Y/n: I'm Sorry Francine...

Francine: I...HATE...YOU....WE....ARE...DONE...

This kicks Y/n to curb. He goes to perch on a rooftop. As he watches his friend get sent to Ravencroft. Y/n then takes his mask off and squeezes it in anger and sadness. 

Y/n: How could I let this happen...I'm supposed to save lives not destroy them...

Y/n was now alone. His Best Friend he had known for years was now gone.

(Later At Ravencroft)

Francine was now in a white restraining vest made of a material that would block her Powers. She was put in a cell of her own.

Francine: I Will Get Out OF Here!

Guard #1: Doctor Kafka will be with you in 20 minutes.

The Guard walks off as Francine waits for Doctor Kafka.

(To Be Continued)

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