Chapter 15: Rise of Doc Ock Pt. I

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It's Been 3 weeks since Electro. Y/n has been tryin his best to forget what happened but It still burdens him. Lately he has been building his Friendship Keemia. But Y/n has now applyed a Job at Octavius Industries. Lately they've been working on a Project that could change the world.

Otto (Phone): Y/n, I need by the lab. I've discovered something you should see too

Y/n: Ok Doc. I'll be right there.

Y/n then swings to Otto's Lab to help him out with the project. He gets to the lab and finds Otto with a rig holding Robotic Arms..

 He gets to the lab and finds Otto with a rig holding Robotic Arms

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Y/n: Um Doctor, What is that?

Otto: These are our latest invention.

Otto: These are our latest invention

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Y/n: Um, They're robotic arms.

Otto: Not just arms Y/n, These are Neural Up-linked Assistants

Y/n: I see what you mean; You used the Neural Interface for the Arms to connect to the mind.

Otto: Yes, We Have. These are state of the Art. It's Time we show the world what we've built together.

Y/n and Otto look at the prototype Arms they made. Y/n's Phone then begins to ring, It was Keemia Who was calling. 

Y/n: Um Doctor, I got to go... 

Otto: Don't Worry, The Project will still be here when your gone.

Y/n Then goes to leave the lab. He then suits up and perches on a water Tower.

Y/n: Hey Keemia

Keemia (Phone): Hey.

Y/n: Um are you at My place 'cause...

Keemia: No, I was just checking to see how you were holding up with Francine...

Y/n: Oh...That...I-I'm Fine

Keemia: Look you don't have to pretend. Harry Told me how close you were with Francine. I'm Just, checking up on you.

Y/n: Well Thanks Keemia.

Keemia: I'll See Later I guess...

Keemia then hangs up the phone. Y/n has been noticing signs. The signs Francine would give him when she liked him but this time it was Keemia.

Y/n: How strange, Keemia never really checked on me this constantly.

Lately Y/n has been getting call from Keemia constantly. He is unsure whether or not If Keemia was crushing on him or if she was concerned.

(Author: I Wish I knew how that felt.)

Y/n then swing around the city helping people in need.

(Later at the Lab)

Octavius was doing Minor Adjustments to the Arms.

Otto: I've been at all night. This'll do.

Otto the finishes installing the inhibitor chip to the Arms. He then places a pod on the back of his neck and the Arms start to move.

Otto: YoReeka

(Later With Y/n)

Y/n was sitting on a building eating Pizza.

Y/n: Pizza Time is the Best time.

Y/n's Phone then begins to ring. It was Otto Calling.

Otto (Phone): L/n, Exciting news come by the lab.

Y/n: Um can it wait?

Otto (Phone): It can't I've discovered a breakthrough.

Y/n: Alright, I'll be right there Doc

Y/n then swings back to the lab as he was going to see what Otto had discovered

Y/n: I wonder what Otto Discovered. I Bet it's something groundbreaking


Y/n enters the lab and sees a Head band rig

Otto: Y/n, We need a faster response time. Try and the frequency under 2.3 milliseconds

Y/n then starts to tinker with the rig, He starts re-route it's ciruitry, and recalibrates the frequency. He's then able to get it under 2.3 Milliseconds. 

Y/n: I got it doc, 2.3 Milliseconds.

Otto: Good Job Y/n

Otto puts the rig on his head and the Arms start to move The Arms then Grab things on the floor and they start to put them on the shelf. Arms then start to fix the shelf's screws tightening them the Arms then rest at ease as the two scientists look in awe as to what they saw.

Y/n: This amazing. You did it!

Otto: No, We did it. Next Step Neural Interface.

Y/n: Um Otto you sure you could handle that? The Neural Interface is a huge step.

Otto: Don't Worry Y/n, We'll figure something out.

Y/n then goes to leave but sees a Newspaper. The headline was: NORMAN OSBORN POSSIBLY BUYING OUT OCTAVIUS INDUSTRIES

Y/n: Oh man, Why didn't you tell me doc?

Y/n then goes to leave room and go back home. Little did he know that His Job was about to be going under the Umbrella of Oscorp.

(To Be Continued)

(Notice: The Rise of Doc Ock Chapter won'tt fully fledge the character yet. This is just Otto going on the road of Doc Ock. He'll become the Villain in the Sinister Six Story Arc.)

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