What a way to start a story

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I remember how things would be if it were 32 at freezing which it were not. It is 43 degrees above freezing while on my way to school at 5:37 PM being driven by Jane.Jane is my grandparent, duh, well didn't know until now. I can't blame you for not knowing! I had my eyes focused on the road not having a thing to babble about.

If it were 32 degrees I would be wearing my big coat not a gray hoody with my Transformers Generation1 shirt on that has Optimus Prime on it.My book bag, that lacks a grip thing for the hook inside the locker, is on my lap. I feel comfy and cozy sitting right here. Normally I would be babbling to Jane about anything related to reads for my stories on Wattpad or something humorous that recently happened.

I saw a bright light crash into the hilly road--the truck is on the 1st part of the hilly road--right at the middle across from us. I look over to Jane only to find she is not there. I unbuckle myself then get into the driver's seat and begin pressing my shoes onto whatever is beneath; anything, like a break.

All that remains of Jane is her clothes.

"STOP TRUCK!" I demand. "STOP RIGHT THIS INSTANNNT!" I saw burning flames on the road and the headlight beamed on towards whatever had landed in the hilly road. "Ah slag."

I closed my eyes expecting an impending insane doom.

Only to hear the truck being flipped.

"You idiot!" I heard a femilar voice. "YOU JUST GOT US BANISHED TO MIDGARD!"

"Why, it wasn't my fault." The second familiar voice went.

"You went to Nidavellir recklessy for something the dwarvess stole and ended up destroying quite a few of their tunnels," I grab my backpack by the left shoulder strap still holding on then clumsily open the door and dorkily fell out landing on my face. "So yes, Thor, it is."

I get up.

"OH MY PRIMUS!" I squeal.

"Well, they started it!" Thor said.

"I know quite a few Dwarves who could have helped you." Loki said.

I look up towards the sky to see a flying gray machin similar to the one sending out cybertronian matter in the beginnning of Transformers Age of Extinction. Underneath the machine is light dotting its underside that glow brightly similar to the UFO mothership in ET Phone Home. Thor and Loki are ignoring me. Jane has recently vanished in thin air shortly after taking a turn to the right turn out of the road leading to Manson Heights. This ship reminded me of a robot squid except it had no eyes.

"ME SHALL FOLLOW THIS ABNORMALITY!" I shout following after the strange machine.

I swear that Loki sent me one of dirtiest of all works because of my probably annoying way of using the word 'abnormality' as I speeded past the two. I believe I can fly in the open sky, I mentally sang to myself rushing speed making my two lazy legs work as one.

Come on girly, you gotta get your laptop and blankets safe!

I saw others of the same machine zip past to the other direction.

It became evident that something is happening and it isn't anything good.

"RUN IVY, RUN!" I shout.

I recalled that scene I wrote where my persona shouted that to herself while running out of a being destroyed warehouse by two alien robots sharing a heavy grudge against one another. Best story I ever made--asides to many I've bragged about to myself--that entertained thousands of people. I still hope it'll hit one thousand votes one of these days and be the 2nd transfan with a 'thrown into transformers' cliche to hit one thousand votes.

I closed my eyes and focused on the house.

When I reopened them I was rushing down the stairs hearing Lakota barking.

"LAAKOOTAA!" I holler jumping down at the last step.

Lakota wags her tail and her neck is visible to the human eye. The news channel is on and all I can see is that guy staring at the seat neighboring him in shock.There is a bracelet on the table. I quickly unplug my laptop, take the end out of the outlet, pick up the laptop and began speeding back to the stairs.

"We've just gotten reports of Transformer related machines appearing around the world and thousands of people going missing," The news guy said. "Best advice is to remain calm and wait for them to show up. Though many think the end of days is coming; it has already started."

I speed up the stairs.

"COME ON LAKOTA!" I holler.

"We've been raptured." The news man said, as Lakota follows me up the stairs.

Then everything became coated in what seems to be ice.

Damn I shoulda gotten my coat out instead.

I look over my shoulder to see Lakota a frozen cyberformated deceased keesehond.

"NO!" I shout.


I rush to my room then grab the laptop case and my blankets then rush my way out of the house feeling scared.The door became strongly encased in cybertronian substance. I leaped over the wooden rail landing on the grass feeling my heart pump.

I am scared.

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