Retrieving The Allspark

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...4 Solar cycles later...

FreezeBite left four days ago without much of a good bye. I figured goodbyes are not in Loki's style since he doesn't make much relationships for mortals but for immortals there must have been plenty. As in the ones not taken during the rapture, as in the ones who were taken, and the ones who are gigantic living robots.

"Are you ready, Lokidottir?" Starscream asks, looking down towards me.

"I have been ready for a long time," I said.

I feel a cold long light digit place itself on my shoulder.

If anyone thinks that above sentence sounds Scottish; that's what I am thinking too.

"If you need the suit, just ask," Starscream said.

"Don't need no suit to face such ugly imbeciles," I said. "But thanks for the thought, Screamer."

Starscream takes his digits off my shoulder.

"The bridge is ready!" Skunktroplis announces.

"UP,UP,AND AWAY I GO!" I jet through the portal landing on my knee's wet.

It does feel a lot like Stargate SG1 arrival wise. I get back up then get alongside the wall waiting for the other Decepticons to get going. Con after Con roll out of the portal landing on their sides yet Starscream gracefully rides it out literately on another Decepticon as though they were a surfboard. Starscream steps off the Decepticon in style by stepping off the surfboard Decepticon's helm. It reminds me a lot of a image to a TFA music video on youtube where TFA Starscream is standing on a pile of the Autobot's body in pride and victory yet this image had not been in the video.

"My helm," TorchChet complains rubbing his forehelm.

"Stop whining," Starscream said. "That does not hurt."

"How do you know?" TorchChet asks, getting up.

"I have been the victim of Lord Megatron stepping all over me," Starscream said. "I know for a fact that a pede stepping off a helmet does not cause damage to your processor."

"I'll start going," I said. "And leave you a room to bicker in."

I take a turn down the hall with my hands in my pockets. The distant hallway is blurry at best to my eyes. My attention focuses to the floor where I survey the ground for anything valuable in particular. What if I had the power to make rubber ducks appear? Well that would certainly come in handy after crash landing in a plane into a large body of water and so the gigantic rubber ducks would come in handy to gather survivors then they would act as a life boat. Even a username can be a great power that comes with great responsibilities in the world of super powers.

I knew a user back in Old Wattpad who made a post asking for super power suggestions.

My suggestion was "The power to make rubber ducks".

Fun fact; coders talk to rubber ducks to figure out what problem they made and then they get thrown once the coder has figured out the mistake. I learned this from Tumblr that also had a comment where a coder confirmed that Rubber Ducks were banned out of the Coding Classroom because so many people threw them after figuring out their mistake. See? It does come in handy to speak with inanimate objects!

I hear shots.


"I know a short cut!" I holler running by now. "Follow meee!"

So that's what they all did.

They followed the shortest nineteen year old girl down the hallway. At least a few of the Decepticons kick Dark Elves to the side using their pedes probably ending them with that single blow. I am not surprised if their foot did indeed kill the Dark Elf warriors. Suddenly bars came down in the hallway across from us and the hallway behind me changed in a way I can't describe. It is like this section of the hall is moving similar to the stair cases in Harry Potter.

I came to a stop.

But the Decepticon's kept on going.


The 'Cons hit the bars.

"Bars..." I finish.

The hall came to a halt and a wall lowers down behind the bars. Suddenly the ground gave out beneath the Decepticons. Fortunetly I am near the new area that marks a new hallway to this one and not very much in the middle. But what is not in today's luck is the Decepticon's falling.I stare in horror seeing TorchChet grab onto Starscream's wing but that didn't prevent him from falling in. TorchChet ripped Starscream's wings off falling down into a firey red below pit that I cannot see. Now my mind is scarred in a awful memory of hearing Decepticons scream to their death.

However Starscream had grabbed on to the floor that hadn't given out.

Starscream grabs on to the floor as below there is a firesome pits.

"Get the allspark, child!" Starscream shouts.

"No, you do it," I said. "Come on, you can get up!"

Starscream's long claw digits slide back in the floor making a scar.

"I can't," Starscream said. "Some one took my wings,and the life of our planet is in your servos, get it, and prove to me that I wasn't wrong convincing my master you would make a great ally."

I feel tears coming out.

Damn it that was touchy.

"I am not leaving you," I said.

I hear something coming down from the ceiling behind me.

"Oh yes, you are," Starscream said, aiming his laser blaster right at me.

Starscream shot at me.

I land right across on the floor. The door shuts between me and the seeker.

"Noo!" I shout, banging on the door. "YOU CAN'T KILL THE DORITO!"

I turn around tearfully wiping off tears.

"Stop crying," I tell myself, hearing metal be loosen and something metal fall off. "Get up and start running."

I get up then struggle forwards.

To save the planet.

That's what must be done.

I gotta run.

"RUN!" I shout to myself, running down the empty hallway fighting back tears.

I have to finish what the cons brought me here for.

I can't fail.

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