In strange ways

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Stranger things have happened. Well, what do I mean by that? Other than tearing off a good sized penny from Sunstreaker's shoulder armor and finding out I have 'snow' powers life can take any sort of direction. Just not the direction I can expect. Sunstreaker has a patch of metal over the big sized golfball hole covering it.

"What do you mean we are being hailed to give over a child?" Sunstreaker askse.

I glare up towards Sunstreaker feeling ticked off.

"But Pr—" Sunstreaker stops then sulks. "Fine." I had my super duper lucky penny. "Can we just send one of our enemies to make sure know?" He cowers. "I know—" Sunstreaker frowns. "Can we just show the human to her relatives?"

I put the penny into my pocket.

Sunstreaker looks down towards me.

"Megan Estep?" Sunstreaker asks.

"Oh," I said. "I know her. She is a Potterhead."

Megan also read through about six chapters of Haunting on Malbury Street during the time it was being edited and she stopped helping editing when I told her it had 23 chapters. I guess Megan did not like to read long stories. At one point Megan was a huge Twilight fan so I gave her a Twilight book I got for Christmas having all three books combined into one.

"But is she related to you?" Sunstreaker asks.

"On my mothers side, yeah." I said.

"Prime," Sunstreaker said. "We got a confirmation."

"What about Shannon?" I ask.

Sunstreaker raises a brow.

"Shannon?" Sunstreaker asks.

"My aunt," I said. "And Tara. Shannon's actually a blonde even though her hair loos red that's just because she dyes it." I pick my nose while talking about it. 

I can see the look on Sunstreaker's faceplate easily read 'Ew, boogers.' Sunstreaker is disgusted in a nutshell. 

"Shannon calls me 'Tink' even though I don't like it." I add.

"Okay," Sunstreaker said, with a grin. "Stop picking your nose, Tink."

I frown.

"I need to clear THIS one part of my nose!" I said. "Seriously, how does one breath with their nose full of solid snot?" I manage to get the irritating flat rough surfaced solid thing out of my nose. My nose feels a lot better. I held up my finger cheerfully. "Done!"

"Ew!" Sunstreaker recoils.

"Under the shoe it goes," I said, sticking the solid snot under my shoe.

"NO!" Sunstreaker cries. "Not my armor!"

Too late, it's under my shoe.

I grin, cheeky, up towards Sunstreaker.

"Too bad," I said. "I wouldn't want to eat my boogers."

"That is it, you're banned from my shoulder armor!" Sunstreaker said, and then drops me to the ground.

I miraculously land on my feet, A-okay, still with my backpack around my shoulders. I balance myself leaning forwards waving my arms in front of myself. I sigh with relief right after getting my point of balance regained. Sunstreaker lands on the floor sending me flying into the air about six feet and landing on my back side.

"Jeeze," I said,helping myself up. "What's with the fallin',man?"

"Yo—yo—" Sunstreaker said but I interrupt.

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