Walking through a dream

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I went through the open door to the library.

I am well aware this is a dream and I am not going to be thinking about the logic around it.

With my backpack around my shoulders and my MP3 playing a song I walk down the lit entrance half to the High School into the dark hallway. To my right is my English teacher's class room where I first typed up a scene to 'Haunting on Malbury Street' where Gert vows to reclaim the house from the spirits and Trish had gone shopping. I look towards the left seeing the other English teacher's room where a project 'Time of the Butterflies' was done. I walk past the two rooms. I came by my Anatomy Teacher's classroom where I learned, obviously, Anatomy.

"I know I'm gonna make it," I sing the lyrics to the climb. "Cause it is just another mountain to climb."

Anatomy that I incorporated into a story arch in my first Bayverse cliche.

Across from the room is another room to another teacher I never had a class with.This is the last time I grace these halls. I really do not want to wake up. It is bad enough being taught by Dark Elves and freezing my teachers in the process. I walk past the computer lab and the Chemistry room.

"If today was your last," I go on.

I once did have a class in the Computer Lab for internet related things and I don't remember much of the coding.

"Act like there is no yesterday," I sing.

At least I think that's a lyric to 'If today was your last'. My MP3 stops playing music and I notice the ear buds are not in my ear. I lack my backpack now. Keep on going, I thought forcing myself to walk forwards. I walk past the History,Art,former physical science room that is now in a room across from it and the former physical science room is now a math class,and past the fashion room.

I stop at Locker 263.

I pull the locker open without much effort and the door fell off.

The locker is empty.

"Right," I said. "You cleaned out the locker yesterday; taking all the folders and notebooks home."


The rows of lockers became unsettling to me.

I take a step back and take a turn towards the left.

'One moment could change a life' I recall the first line written in Step into Asgard.Truthfully that saying is no undoubtedly pretty correct. Just one moment can wreck your life into pieces then make it a terrible realm of hell decorated in all the 'nice' oddities. Why yes I just characterized a moment with some of the defining characteristics to 'a living hell'.

I came to a stop at the last big doors.

The doors are open with a white opening. White light pours in through the windows with bars in front of them and a bench right below. These benches usually had money laying underneath because some students were not careful with their money. I look over towards the left side where I would usually sit waiting for the bus listening to music. Well I used to sit there; I recently developed a habit of walking back and forth listening music in front of the bench.

I picture it being different instead of the whiteness.

I picture it snowing.

Just how I wrote it in the epilogue to 'Step into Asgard'.

School has quite literately been where my most hard worked on stories from my teenage hood has been set in or been some form of factor to my learning incorporated into the many stories. I recall how I thought it would not rain originally on April 28th,2014.

I recall how many times I corrected myself in the story about being wrong that it would not rain.

Because in real life the day after I first post Step into Asgard; it in fact did rain.

"Because nobody wants to be the last one there," I sing, softly, turning away from the bench.

The ground trembles.

Oh god someone is trying to wake me up before I go any deeper into my beauty sleep!

"No,no,no!" I said.

And then I woke up.

Aw man.

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