Chapter Twenty One

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"Hey...boy...wake up." Denki woke up from being thoroughly shaken. He tried to rub his eyes but his arms were strapped down which made him freak out. "No need for struggle, you won't be going anywhere any time soon." He calmed down for a minute and looked at the situation he was in. He was strapped into an electric chair sort of set up with car battery clips latched on his arms and legs which were connected to a black container. "Rise and shine!" Denki turned his attention to the four people standing in front of him. The first person had glowing radioactive green hair down to their shoulders and a stray kids bag with a gender fluid pin, the next had an eyepatch with curly brown hair and a basic white shirt with black jeans. Denki has to crane his neck to see the next one, a middle aged man with light stubble stood in an expensive looking suit smirked at him. Next to him stood the man who dragged Denki into this mess who wore a black cuffed long sleeved t-shirt (which didn't hide his beer gut well) and leather pants. The person with the green hair spoke up. "What a cute face, Mr Waru, can I keep it for my collection?" Denki shivered and Mr Waru chuckled. "Sorry Kurumi we need him for something right now but when we're done with him you can." Denki flinched as she stroked his face. "Such nice skin." They said. The boy with the eyepatch stepped forward as Kurumi stepped back to make sure the clips were on tight enough and then he nodded to Mr Waru. As three of them began to leave, Itsuki Kaminari stood in front of Denki. "I'm going to so enjoy watching this." That sentence made him immediately scared as it meant pain was about to be inflicted upon him. As the man left the room he noticed a mirror in front of him that was most likely a one way mirror. He heard a pull of a lever. Denki then screamed like he never screamed before as it felt like his insides were getting sucked out of him. The places on his body where the clips were placed began to burn into Denki's skin as he shook violently in his seat. Vomit was climbing his throat as he felt his brain start to fry. The lever was flipped again, turning off the black container's machine but it was too late.

Denki was dead.........dead tired and in his dazed faze from getting his electricity sucked out of him. The others entered the room but Denki was completely out of it. "Wehh." Kurumi, Mr Waru and Itsuki laughed. "He forks over a bunch of power and then goes into stupid mode? Jackpot! Now we don't have to deal with the whiny bitch." The eye patch man looked at the boy who was swinging back and forth in the chair and felt a bit of pity for him. He'd had his own shitty father that used to abuse him as well. He threw Denki over his shoulder and carried him back to his dark cellar of a room. "Cmon benny boy, we got a bank to rob." Mr Waru called. Ben took one last look at Denki and told himself to forget about it. Mr Waru had given him a home when he didn't have one and hope when he was on the verge of giving up, he couldn't give that up for some boy he didn't know...could he?

The bakusquad all sat in Mina's dorm, taking a break from research. Kiri and Mina were playing cards, Sero was watching tv, Bakugō was lightly sleeping and Hitoshi was reading a magazine (feeling guilty he was relaxing while Denki wasn't found). "Everyone, look at the tv." Sero turned up the volume.

News presenter - Earlier today thugs representing the T.E.P group robbed a bank using an enormous amount of raw electricity to shoot at heroes that were trying to stop them, thankfully no one got fatally injured. They got away with 52 million dollars. These are the people who were the lead robbers, if you see them please alert authorities immediately."

Everyone's eyes were glued to the screen as the faces of Mr Waru, Benny boy, Kurumi and Itsuki Kaminari popped up on the screen. As the program finished Bakugō said, "Please tell me someone took a picture of those faces." Sero held up his phone. "Got them." Bakugō stood up. "Eiji you call all those people you recruited, Sero get all your equipment down here, Mina collect all your information on this and Shinso get snacks and coffee cos it's gonna be a long fucking night." Sero looked surprised. "You actually called by our-" Bakugō hit Sero over the head which was becoming his new hobby. "We don't have time, get fucking to it."

Twenty minutes later the room was squished with people chatting about what was happening. Bakugō stood at the front of the room. "SHUT UP." The room went dead silent. He rubbed his temples. "I have a headache from all this shit already so eyebags you're up." Hitoshi was now the centre of attention. "We assumed Denki was kidnapped by his dad and our suspicions have been more justified as the group T.E.P, who his dad has joined, used raw electricity to knockdown heroes. It could be a total coincidence but we don't think so." The world went blurry for a second and Hitoshi found himself on the ground surrounded by concerned classmates. He blinked a few times and tried to stand up despite the muffled protests of the others. Once standing he continued what he saying although everything was still blurry. " yeah that's sort of it, Kiri has your assignments so like ask him about it...i need more coffee." Hitoshi jumped on Mina's bed and got out some coffee with shaking hands. Mina sat next to him, giving him a worried glance. "You alright Shinso?" He smiled tightly. "Peachy." Mina took the coffee thermos from his hands. "When was the last time you slept?" Hitoshi had to think hard about that one. "Um like...Monday?" "It's Sunday Shinso." He lightly chuckled. "Oh." Mina shook her head. "We'll talk about this later." Hitoshi reached for the thermos but she slapped his hands away, making him pout. Finally Kiri had gathered all his notes. "Okay so Midoriya you'll be analysing the quirks used by the villains, Todoroki you steal some of your dads money, equipment and private info on T.E.P, Jirou help Sero with hacking and all that, Mo you make us some disguises for busting Kams out when we find his location, Kat and Shinso make a plan of action and I will be doing everyone's homework so we don't all fall behind in class." Everyone seemed on board the plan and got to work.

Bakugō and Hitoshi sat in a neutral silence, the latter feeling the effects of severe sleep deprivation. "Eyebags you look like shit." Eyebags eye's flickered from the map of one of the known hideouts of the T.E.P to Bakugō. "Haven't slept since Monday." Blondie raised his eyebrows. "Damn, why don't you sleep? Not that I really give a shit." Hitoshi shrugged his shoulders. "I can't. I just can't." "Why not?" He sighed. "Because every time I do, my brain goes 'Denki could be dying and yet you're trying to relax, you fucking piece of shit.' So I just stare at the ceiling until morning and sleeping pills don't work in case you were going to ask." Bakugō thought for a second. "I could hit you really hard over the head until you pass out?" The purple haired boy laughed. "Thanks but no thanks, I'd like to keep all of my brain cells." They fell into a silence again as they mapped out possible escape routes on the hideout maps they got from Todoroki. "You care about Kaminari a lot, don't you?" Hitoshi nodded. "Once you get more rest, you can work more efficiently and then find him faster." Hitoshi nodded again and then yawned. "Maybe I'll take a nap, wake me up in a couple hours." Bakugō grunted as a sign of agreement, his sole focus on the map in front of him. Hitoshi layed down on his bed and drifted off to sleep.

A/n - bam. another chapter done. time to write depressing poetry and eat potatoes. or go on a vacation. see the world before it all goes to complete shit. as always and forever, vote, comment, subscribe, write about how everything means nothing, hand it in as an english assignment, have a talk with the "concerned" teacher.

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