Chapter 4

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Emma's P.O.V.

When I pushed him off I could see disappointment in his eyes. I felt like I hurt him but why should I care. For all I know it could be another prank.

I was about to ask him something but then he ran away. I shouted Jc but he just kept running. I shouted again but he started running faster.

Jc's P.O.V.

I really messed up, I'll never get her to love me. I hate myself so much. I'm stuck between two hard decisions, try to see if Emma would want to date me or stay with the guys. I'm at a cross roads.

******* Next Morning *******

When I woke up this morning I felt relieved and refreshed. I had finally made my decision. I got out of bed with smile on my face. I walked into the bathroom and did what I needed to do. My outfit was a black tee with a spiral design, ripped jeans, and black vans.

My mom drove my to school and dropped me off at the front doors where the rest of the guys were. I got out and gave them each a bro hug. I told them to meet me in the boy's bathroom after school. They nodded their heads in agreement and walked off to Emma's locker.

I told them I couldn't meet them today because I had a huge test and if a failed I would get sent to a school for boys for the rest of my school career. Surprisingly they bought it.

******* End of the day ********

When I went to the boys bathroom after school all the boys were in there. I got really nervous to tell them but no turning back now.

Sam's P.O.V.

I wonder what Jc is going to tell us. He's been acting really strange the past couple of days. I wish he would just get to the point. I really want to go catch Emma on her way home to say sorry and ask her to think about being my girlfriend.

Then finally Jc started talking but not what I was ever thinking he would say and what I wanted to hear.

Jc's P.O.V.

" So I know you guys are gonna hate me but I think we should stop bulling Emma." Everyone's faces looked shocked.

"Yeah, I agree," Sam said. I was so happy he agreed.

" Thank you Sam. OK so the reason why is I really like her and never wanted to bully her in the first place but I wanted to stay friends with you guys."

Out of no where I saw a fist coming straight towards me. They hit me right in the nose. I looked in the mirror and it was bleeding. I turned to see Sam's hand have some blood on it.

Kian's P.O.V.

I saw Sam's fist hit Jc and I knew this was about to go down. I slowly started to walk over to Jc because he has anger issues. I only know that so that's why I tried not to make it seem so obvious.

Sam told us that he liked Emma that's why he punched him . Then Jc pounced on Sam everyone was in a state of shock.

I was frozen. I've never seen him this angry before. Trust me, I've seen him mad but not this mad. Suddenly I snapped back into reality and grabbed Jc off of Sam. Sam had a bloody nose and bright red cheeks. It took all the strength in my body to hold him back. Sam and the other guys scurried out of there.

I tried to calm Jc down but he kept pacing back and forth cursing under his breath. At one point I told him to calm down and he screamed I am calm and then that made him snap. He turned around and threw a punch at me. I dodged it so he ended up hitting the wall.

I grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back. That finally shut him up but it didn't stop him for struggling but I got him under control. I told him to breath and relax. He did as I told him to and then leaned against the wall and fell down.

I crouched down next to him and he started balling his eyes out. I felt bad for the guy but then again he likes the girl we've been bullying for the past two years. How could he not tell us? But then again we aren't the most understanding people in school. I wonder what else he's keeping from us?

I asked him if there was anything else he wanted to tell me. Then he started crying harder. I asked him what it was but with all the tears flowing down his face all I could hear him say was dad and cancer. I felt so bad for him it killed me to watch him.

I wanted to start crying with him but I had to stay strong for him. After a little while he calmed down.

Then I realized it was after school and we were still here. I got him up and we started walking out. We had to duck under windows and hurry across doors but eventually we made it out.

Emma's P.O.V.

I had wondered where the guys were today. Not that I'm complaining or anything but I was just really confused. I texted my mom and told her I would be at school for a little just to finish my homework outside.

I was sitting on top of the monkey bars when someone crept up behind me and scared me. I fell of the bars and turned around to see Sam. He made a big smile on his face.

I was packing up my things when he grabbed my waist. I pushed him off but he grabbed again, harder this time. I was scared so I turned around but he put his lips to mine. This time it was passinote. I relaxed a bit but it was still a little bit uncomfortable to me.

After a while we pulled apart but he pushed his lips onto mine again. This time it felt right. I put my hands on his shoulders. I heard a burst of tears and crying come from someone. I turned around to see Jc and Kian with Jc balling his eyes out.

I told Sam bye and started walking home. When I turned down my street I saw a fire truck stopping at my house I ran towards my house and saw nothing but ashes.

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