Chapter 7

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Calum's P.O.V.

I was wondering what that girl was doing in the boy's bathroom locked in stall. I asked her what she doing in there but she ran out. Luke and I went to the bathroom and went to the office to get our schedules. We both had Math, Science, and English together.

***** Next Morning *****

I woke up and realized that I was gonna late for school if I didn't get moving now. I ran into my bathroom to brush my teeth and put my hair in a quiff.

I grabbed a green day tee, ripped black jeans, and my black vans. I grabbed my back pack and ran out the door. I hopped on my penny board and headed for school.

When I got there I saw Luke. I got off my board and kicked up it up to carry it. I went up to him and talked for a minute since I had to get to my locker and put my penny board in there.

Luke and I where walking and saw Emma with another girl. She was really pretty so I walked up to Emma and said hi. I introduced myself to the girl. She told me her name was Jenn and she's moving here for 2 years.

I was so excited she was staying for so long. Hopefully she'll like me before she leaves because she seems really nice.

I asked Emma if she would talk to me for a second and she moved over to where I was standing. I told her her how I thought she was really pretty. I felt like my prayers were answered when she said Jenn just broke up her boyfriend. I said thanks and made my way to my locker.

I dropped my penny board in my locker and headed to English.

***** After English *****

I had 5 minutes in grab my math book in my locker and get to my class. I had to go to the bathroom so I walking towards the one by my locker. As I was about to go in I heard a girl in there. I was so confused.

I peaked in to see a guy pushing his body against Jenn. I could see her struggling to get away. I stormed in, grabbed the collar of his shirt, and threw him onto the floor. He got up and ran out of the bathroom with a bloody nose.

I pulled her into a hug rubbing her back because she was crying. I tried to calm her down but she just kept crying making wet stains on my shirt but I didn't mind.

After standing there for at least 5 minutes I finally got the balls to wipe the tears from her eyes. Then right then and there she kissed me and it felt so right. Of course I kissed back.

Then I did something stupid. I pushed her off realizing that I was late for math. After I ran out of the bathroom and down the hall I realized I just pushed off the person I love and ran away without telling her why.

I darted down the hall and back into the bathroom to find no one in there. I had just blown my chance with Jenn. I then cried my way to math class.

Jenn's P.O.V.

I was so stupid for thinking that someone else could love me. I broke down on the floor and wept. Then I got up and left school. I didn't want to stay no more since I had 3 more classes with him including math which was going on right now. I wouldn't be able to keep my cool.

I hopped on my penny board and started my way home. Half way there I fell off because I couldn't see with the blurry vision from me crying.

You'll think this is stupid but I was crying because Calum and I would never ride our penny boards together, laugh at stupid stuff, or kiss the way we did in the bathroom. Sounds cheesy right but that's how I felt.

When I made it home I saw my mom's car in the driveway of the house we rented. I tried to sneak in but got caught at the bottom of the stairs because of a loose floor board creaked.

I cursed under my breath because I was going to get in trouble. When my mom asked me what happened I told her that it was a half a day but she wasn't falling for it.

She knew my weakness and it was looking people in the eye and lying. Of course she used it against me. When I looked her in the eye she asked me why my eyes were red and bloodshot. That's when I broke down in tears probably for the 5th time this day.

She helped me over to the couch and asked me why I was crying and that made me cry harder. I told her everything. About Jack and Calum. After I told her everything she just pulled me into a big hug.

After just sitting there with my mom the doorbell rang. My mom went up to get it while I layed down on the couch. When she opened the door I heard I voice I never wanted to hear again. Calum.

Calum's P.O.V.

When I went to math I sat next to Emma. I had to practically beg her for Jenn's address because I didn't see her in there and the only place she would of gone is home. After I got it I told our teacher that I didn't feel well. He told me to the nurse but I went to my locker, grabbed my penny board and went as fast as I could to her house.

When I went to the front door I rung the doorbell. I stood there pacing back and forth and rubbing the back of my neck waiting for someone to answer.

When her mom answered I asked to talk to Jenn. She asked who I was and I told her Calum a friend of Emma's. When I told her my name she looked mad and I wouldn't blame her after what I did to her daughter. When I was about to say something else she slammed the door but I stuck my foot out just in time.

It hurt so bad but I wasn't leaving without talking to Jenn. I hate myself for doing this to her because it was just a stupid mistake. I begged her mom to let me in.

After 5 minutes of explaining the story she told me I was stupid for doing that then let me in. I saw Jenn on the couch with red eyes crying. That instantly made me cry because of what I've done to her. Jenn's mom came over and told me I had 10 minutes.

I went over and sat on the same couch as her. She sat up and scooted over to the other side off the couch. I started telling her the story but I was talking so fast I think she could barely understand me. She told me to stop and say it slower. I did but the whole time tears were threatening to spill from my eyes.

After I told her what happened she came over to me and told me that it was OK. It felt like a ton of bricks were lifted off my shoulders and I could finally breath.

Jenn went over to her mom and told her that it was fine for me to stay. She grabbed my hand and dragged me up the stairs and to her room. We sat on her bed and talked and laughed. I was having an amazing time till I got a text from Luke saying there was an emergency.

I jumped off Jenn's bed and told her what Luke said. Then I ran out their house, grabbed my penny board and ran as fast as I could to Luke's house excepting the worst.

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