Just get that done

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When Nathalie had eventually calmed down a little bit, she sat up to go to the bathroom and take a shower. As she did, she noticed the two coffee mugs on her nightstand and couldn't help but smile a little bit. He obviously did care at least a bit about her.

She took a 'very' quick shower then gulped down her own coffee, to then go downstairs and pour his away, to make him a fresh one. She made another for herself, then went back to her desk, placing both mugs on it, telling him:

"I brought you a fresh coffee, Sir, you forgot yours in....well....you forgot to drink it!"

Gabriel looked up shortly from his work, then nodded. Focusing back on the tablet, he was just drawing on, he said coldly:

"I want you to go to a doctor tomorrow and get yourself the morning after pill. And some long term contraceptive. I don't want this to turn into some scandal!"

Nathalie gulped, then replied quietly:

"Of course, Sir, as you wish!"

"Oh and Nathalie?"


"I don't want any accidents to happen, like forgot to take the pill or something like that, do you understand me?"

Now the assistant scoffed.

"You trust me with something like being Shadowmoth and then you're scared, I would try to betray you by getting pregnant on purpose? I didn't think, you were thinking so low of me!"

He lifted his head again and stared at her, shocked over her sudden boldness. Then a thought came to his mind and he began to grin mischievously.

"Come over here for a moment, Nathalie!", he ordered.

She looked scared, when she hesitantly walked towards him. The smile on his face made her stomach almost turn. But then he did something, she wouldn't have expected. He reached up to his collar and took of the peacock miraculous, to hand it to her.

"Here", he said, "go upstairs into my bedroom and transform. Then wait there for me. And Nathalie, be a little creative with your costume. I want to be able to see some skin and to take it off of you, if you know, what I mean!"

Taking a deep breath, she responded:

"Very well, Sir!"

She took the brooch with trembling fingers and went back to her desk, to finish her work, when he called after her:

"I thought, I told you, to go into my bedroom and wait there for me. I want you to be there every night after six o'clock from now on until further notice. I want to be sure, that you are prepared for me, whenever I feel the urge. Of course you will give the miraculous back to me later this evening. I need it with me. But there will be more occasions, when I need you to become Mayura again! Did you understand everything, I said?"

Nathalie swallowed hard, then nodded.

"I did Sir. And to your concern, it isn't a risky time right now, to get pregnant, so I would rather not take the....."

He yelled into her sentence:

"I gave you an order and I don't care, what you want. Just get that done, tomorrow!"

She turned her head, so he wouldn't see her cry, then mumbled a:

"I will, Sir!", before she rushed out of the room and upstairs into his bedroom, where she couldn't hold back the tears any longer and let them flow, while she put on the brooch.

Immediately the little peacock kwami appeared in front of her and whined:

"Miss Nathalie! I missed you so much! Why are you soooooo sad? Are you still hurt because of meeeeee?"

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