You'll have to make a choice!

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"Do we really have to go to school today?", Marinette lamented, when Adrien tried to shake her awake, "I thought it was already bad enough, that we're going to tell my parents in the evening! Not to forget the appointment with the doctor in our lunch break!"

He chuckled and pulled away the blanket, while he explained:

"We have to! Your parents will only react worse, when you're not attending your classes. And as long as Miss Bustier isn't there, we won't find someone who we can talk to about it and who would be understanding. Except you would like to try Miss Mendeleiev or principal Damokles!"

"Fine!", she groaned, "I am getting up!"

She slowly pushed herself into a sitting position, her hair standing into all directions, her eyes still shut, making her boyfriend laugh at her.

"Come on, Bugaboo! It took me so long to get you to wake up, that we don't have much time left. You need to get ready!"

"You should better clear the way, Adrien, because....."

She couldn't say anything else because she had smashed both hands to her mouth, and was now jumping out of the bed and running past him and into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind her, before she emptied her stomach contents into the toilet.

The young man sighed and followed her slowly, gently knocking, when he heard the sounds of her puking stop.

"Are you okay, Marinette? Do you need any help?", he asked caringly.

"Yeah", she whined, her voice hoarse, "can you have this baby and I will just stand there and watch?"

He opened the door and entered with a laugh. But a short glimpse at her face made him immediately stop.

"I'm sorry for laughing, M'lady. I really thought, you were joking! If possible, I would gladly take that from you and have this baby! But Sadly, I am completely incompatible from the anatomical perspective!"

That made her at least grin.

"Sorry, Kitty! I know, you're doing your best. Just let me get ready quickly, okay? Maybe you can search for my clothes already? I will take a shower in the meantime. Oh and, can you hand me my toothbrush? I'll combine both and just do my mouth hygiene in the shower!"

Adrien shook his head with a chuckle, but did as he was told.

Even breakfast couldn't help much with Marinette's mood this morning and so they both sat down in their seats in class, Adrien as usual in front of Marinette, none of them really listening to what Miss Mendeleiev was talking about.

It was thanks to Alya and Nino, who kept nudging their elbows into their friend's sides, that they didn't get detention that day and both were relieved, when the bell rang for the daily lunch break.

"Hey, where are you two going?", Nino shouted, when the couple made their way to the exit of the school.

"We have something important to take care of. We might even be late for the afternoon classes. Would you mind, informing the teachers, if we're not there?", Adrien called back and Nino and Alya nodded, while the couple looked rather bewildered at one another.

"Oh thank God!", Marinette exclaimed, when she saw Nathalie waiting for them in the back of the limousine, "I already feel so much better, knowing an adult with us, who won't be yelling and arguing!"

The former assistant squeezed the girl's hand, the moment she sat down beside her and said softly:

"I thought you were looking a little lost, when we were having breakfast, so I decided, to come with you. If it's okay for the both of you!"

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