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Pulling his phone out of his pocket, Adrien turn the alarm off and turned towards the bathroom door. Then he interlinked their fingers and gave his girlfriend an encouraging squeeze.

"Come, M'lady, let's have a look. And don't look so scared, we aren't as you said before, barely seventeen, but actually rather close to coming off age, so.... We'll be able to handle, what ever this test will say!", he hummed soothingly into her ear, as he dragged her with him and through the door in the back of his room.

"Wait!", she blurted out, as he reached for the handle, "I need another kiss first!"

Smiling the young man let go and bend down, to peck her lips very gently, but was immediately pulled into a savage kiss by the trembling girl.

"Try to relax a tiny bit, Marinette, okay?", Adrien breathed against her lips, as they eventually parted them.

"I 'am' trying, Adrien! It's just not working!", she hissed but stiffened her demeanor and pushed the door open herself, then took big steps inside, getting it over with, before she would loose the sudden courage again.

She walked directly towards the pen like stick, grabbing it from the sink and taking a short glimpse, before she exclaimed:

"Oh thank God, we were lucky!"

Then she quickly turned around, to rush out of the bathroom and put it into some kind of wrapping, so nobody would be able to see it, somewhere in the trash.

"Marinette? What are you doing? Can I see?"

"I am trying to get rid of this thing, 'before' anyone can see it! So would you please help me and get me something to wrap it into, before tossing it away!", she muttered angrily.

The boy chuckled.

"Bugaboo! If it's negative, there is no need to hide it!"

"Seriously? What if someone found it and would tell your father and Nathalie? Or much worse, inform my dad! He can't even handle the thought, that we.... you know!", she explained agitatedly, while she was frantically looking around to find a solution.

Adrien sighed:

"Fine, just give it to me, I'll take it outside, where it could have been from anyone!"

She paused and thought for a moment, then nodded and went back into the bathroom.

"Here", she said, when she returned, handing him the package containing the stick, all of it wrapped into toilet paper,"like this, nobody will see, what you are holding in your hands!"

"Yeah, right", he said mockingly, "something wrapped into toiletpaper carried outside by myself, wouldn't draw any attention from any person in this house! Just give the darn thing here!"

He pulled it out of her hands with a sudden, dexterous move, making the box open and the stick fall to the floor. He bent down to pick it up, then froze.

Nathalie and Gabriel were lying on their backs, both panting, trying to catch some air after a quick yet very intense encounter.

"I am still in the mood, of getting my husband all cute and fluffy!", the pregnant woman snickered, a moment later as she turned around to face him.

"Uh huh", came from him, yet way less in the mood to fight, "do whatever you like, I am too exhausted, to even care!"

Nathalie began to smirk.

"That's exactly, what I was hoping for!", she said sweetly and slowly stood up from the bed. "I'll be right back, darling, I just need to pee. and while I am already in the bathroom, I'll bring a hairbrush and maybe one or two accessories to make you all girlish!"

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