We Need Justice!

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When they arrived back home, Gabriel and Nathalie had barely managed to get dressed again and were just exiting the office, both their hair being an absolute mess.

The young couple took a short glimpse and began to grin, then the young man's parents noticed them and seeing their knowing expression, they blushed deeply. Nathalie was the first to react and cleared her throat sheepishly, before she asked:

"How was your appointment? Is everything alright?"

The teenagers looked at each other, Adrien giving his girlfriend an approving tilt of his head, to which she responded:

"Well, good that you're asking! According to the doctor and all the measurement, he did, our little boy is absolutely and completely healthy!"

"It's a boy? That's so great! So Belle will always have someone to protect her, when they grow up. Though usually the aunt should be protecting her nephew and not the other way round! But I am very happy for the both of you!", the young mother enthused.

Gabriel laid an arm around them both and pulled the adolescents against his chest.

"I am very happy for you too. Though I have to admit, that having a little girl makes my designer heart beat a little faster every time I look at her and think of things to create for my daughter to wear. It's more difficult to do those things for a little boy. But I am sure, knowing, how talented you are, you will soon come up with some new designs, right?", he addressed his, as he hoped, soon to be daughter in law.

Marinette giggled.

"I have a few things in mind, yeah!", she admitted with a smirk, "and on top of eventually knowing the gender, I can feel him kick since about an hour before we went to the appointment. And there is that other thing, I would like to do. I....uhm..."

She now gazed at Adrien, who continued for her. He sighed, but explained:

"When we were on our way, Marinette asked me, if I was alright with her, giving an interview to Nadja Chamack, to tell the truth about the things her father did and what happened afterwards. I m still not sure, if doing that won't cause too much excitement for her again, but I of course agreed to my beautiful, pregnant girlfriend's wishes. I just said, we should talk it through with you, Nath, so we wouldn't be saying anything stupid, that some people could turn against us by only quoting some parts of it! What would you say, Nathalie?"

"I can understand, that the verdict did get you angry, but do you really want to get yourself under so much stress again? I mean, what about waiting until your son is born and then you could reveal it all together!", the former assistant suggested. 

But Marinette only shook her head.

"I need to let everybody know about the things, my own father did, right now. So nobody will ever look at him in a friendly way again. He deserves a much harder punishment, than he got. And, well, we also agreed, to reveal the pregnancy in the interview!", the agitated girl informed them.

Gabriel sighed, but nodded.

"If that's, what you want to do, then we will both support you. But there's one thing, I don't understand. You were so very fast with forgiving me all the things, I did. I get, why you will never forgive your dad, but why didn't you judge me or us at all?", he questioned, almost ashamed of everything he did, yet being let off so easily.

Marinette scoffed:

"Isn't that obvious? At first, I thought, you did it out of love, then we found out, that you were under some sort of emotional control all of the time. You never hurt anybody on purpose or let me put it like this, even if you had succeeded and created a new world, you never planned on taking someone's life. You were sure, once you made your wish, every bad thing you did would be erased. That's why I could forgive you so quickly, you never meant to do any harm, while my own father, who always acted as if he was kind and loving until I screwed up once, in his eyes at least I did. At that moment he not only tried to control me and keep me from Adrien, he also took away my freedom of choice and the right to decide over my body! He poisoned his own daughter and killed his unborn grandchild, yet he didn't even show the slightest bit of remorse! He... he needs to.....he must be brought to justice! I am not asking for revenge, but this isn't an appropriate measure of punishment, for what he did to all of us! He.... he needs t-to f-f-feel, h-how b-bad a person he has b-b-become!"

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