How could you even dare?

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A couple of weeks had passed and Marinette still hadn't recovered from their loss. Barely two days after the dinner with her parents, she had woken up in the middle of the night to a strong pain in her lower abdomen and a massive bleeding.

After being rushed into the hospital, the doctors could just tell her the sad news though, that she was just having a miscarriage. After going under a small surgery and having to stay in the clinic for another day, Adrien was allowed to take her home with him and try to be there for his girlfriend.

At first, she had tried to be strong, to not show, how much it hurt her. Had told him, that they were far too young anyway. The young man had just held her hand and kissed the back of it, not able to speak at all. But he had agreed to everything, she said, so she could cope with the situation in her very own pace and way.

Then, when she had woken after the surgery back in her hospital room, she had completely broken down.

Crying angrily, shouting at him, at the nurses and even at the doctor who came in to check on her. Then Marinette had desperately clung to his neck, sobbing violently into his shoulder, while he kept rocking her carefully, to not worsen the pain from the operation.

Eventually the young woman had fallen asleep, a light and obviously troubled sleep, as she was shifting and fidgeting on the bed. It was already noon by then, and while the teenager watched the girl, he had been in love with for so long, feeling guilty for getting her into this situation, feeling numb, because he had tried to not show any emotion at all, so he could be her rock, about to start crying too, he felt a hand on his shoulder and as he turned around, he could see Gabriel standing there, his eyes puffy, his expression painfully distraught.

In the split of a second, Adrien stood up and turned towards him, a single word slipping his mouth, barely a whisper:


Then he flung his arms around the taller man, screaming into his chest, before he eventually let his tears flow freely and sobbed uncomfortably for what seemed like an eternity to him.

The designer just stood there, his arms holding his son in a tight embrace, giving him the chance, to let it all out, while he kept rubbing his back tenderly. He wiped his eyes quickly, when Adrien after a long time began to stir and looked up to him, despair written all over his face.

"Why?", he questioned, "why did this happen? I can't bear to see her so sad, father. It's all my fault! If we had been more careful, if I had told her about it earlier, if she hadn't been so worked up, from her dad's antics. And even worse, I did everything I could, to convince her, to have this baby. If she had had the abortion, I was so furious about, this pain wouldn't have been so bad on her!"

"It's not your fault, Adrien", a weak, female voice said and both men turned towards the bed and looked at the young woman, who had just woken up.

"Marinette", Adrien blurted out, "how are you feeling? I m-mean, physically, n-not, you know.....I....."

He took a deep, trembling breath, trying to speak calmly to not let her hear him sob. 

"I'll be right outside with Nathalie. She's just getting some snack for all of us. I'll go and help her bring it here and leave you alone for some time, okay?", Gabriel now said wearily and the couple nodded, Marinette quietly humming:

"Th-thank y-you!"

"W-Well, how are...", the boy, who was trying desperately to fight back his tears, began, to be interrupted by the female.

"Please, Minou, just come here!"

He stepped reluctantly towards the bed, placing a hand on hers, when she gave him a stern look. Scooting to one side of the bed, she patted the now free, but still warm spot next to her.

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