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"I don't understand, father. What are you trying to tell me?", Adrien asked with a bewildered look on his face.

Gabriel sighed and carefully approached the matter:

"Well, Adrien, it's about, what your mother, what Émilie did to you. What she did to both of us. I am so sorry, that she did this. If I had known, if only I had noticed, I would have done something earlier, but until Nathalie told me today, I had no idea. And please, son, don't get mad at your girlfriend, she only wanted to help you. And I am sure, she wouldn't have spoken any further, if Nathalie hadn't known most of it anyway. At least, she knew about your nightmares. But she only told me recently, when you were taking back the miraculous and stayed the night with Ladybug, You don't have to tell me anything, but I just want you to know, that you can talk to me about the things, she made you do and did to you. I am sure, we have a couple of things in common, when it comes to that woman's pleasure in hurting people or forcing them to do something!"

The teenager had turned white as snow, listening to the things Gabriel told him.

"I-I have n-n-no idea, what...."

"Adrien stop! There is no need to deny it or try to tell me a lie, I know, that it feels embarrassing, that it's nothing, a man your age likes to talk about, but believe me, when I tell you, that I was forced to do several things too. I hate to talk about it, but I need to ask you a few things, so we, Nathalie, Marinette and I can help you to overcome this. Or at least learn to cope with it, without you waking up every other night. Yes, I already heard, that being with you girlfriend helps, but..."

He paused and looked at his son, who resembled his deceased wife so much.

"We all agree, that you and I should start a therapy. I....there just are a few things, I need to know, hopefully to make sure, she did 'not' do them to you. So...uhm...when she hurt you, how did she...? Did she hit you or do something else? Did.....did she ever....."

Adrien looked sceptic.

"What do you mean? How did she hurt you, father?"

The designer looked to the floor, when he mumbled:

"She had this device, that she would thrust with force into...."

"Don't! I don't even want to imagine. And no, she didn't do that to me!"

Gabriel sighed in relief.

"Well, that's at least something. That one thing really bothered me, thinking, how young you were. When.....when did she start, how old were you?"

The boy shrugged.

"I don't know exactly. Maybe five? She told me, it was our secret game and that it would make us both feel really good. And then she.....", he gulped, shaking his head as if he wanted to get rid of the image, "she wanted me to.....with my mouth......I...."

Tears of shame and hatred were running down his cheeks now and Gabriel quickly scooted closer and hugged his son carefully.

"What happened if you said no?"

"She hit me. Twisted my skin, pulled my ears. Later, she just...", he looked down to his intimates and Gabriel understood instantly.

"Yeah, that's how she started hurting me too!"

Adrien gasped, being shocked by his father admitting to that.

"What did she thrust into your, you know?", he then asked quietly, his face dark red and his eyes averted to the side, though couldn't help and gaze at the place, he was certain, his father had spoken about.

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