Not much longer

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The time seemed to stand still for the young mother to be. Even with Gabriel, Marinette and Adrien doing their very best, to entertain her somehow, Nathalie wasn't just bored, but truly and honestly pissed!

All she could lately think about was that she wanted to hold her daughter in her arms eventually, wanted to see, how she looked and hear her cry and make all sorts of sounds, babies usually did. It was tormenting, feeling her all through the day, her poor ribcage aching from her hard kicks, her throat and stomach constantly sore from the heartburn due to the permanent reflux.

Her back was hurting too, but this wasn't as unnerving as the rest of it. Her due date came and went and still, her little girl made no effort to finally be born.

It was a beautiful sunny, yet still cold morning. She was in the dining room, having breakfast with Marinette, who, despite feeling a lot better than before, still had not found the motivation to go back to school and because of that was the one, who kept Nathalie company most of the three.

Gabriel had pecked her lips quickly, after taking a piece of toast into his office with him and had left them on their own.

Nathalie took a few bites from her bun and sighed. She couldn't eat very much lately, the baby just claimed too much space in her abdomen. She looked at the younger woman and sighed, then demanded:

"Marinette, please eat. You don't have to hold back, because of me!"

But the half chinese girl shook her head.

"I'm not really hungry today, Nath. And I have put on enough weight over the last two months, after sitting around all the time, that it won't cause any harm, if I let out one meal!", she chuckled and placed a hand on her friends forearm.

"If you say so", Nathalie gave in with a loving smile. Then she grimaced and poked her belly in the spot, she had just been kicked.

"Stop that!", she ranted and Marinette laughed.

"Is she teasing you again? I can't wait to meet her. Adrien and I have been talking and we agreed on doing a lot of babysitting, if you want us to. If she stays this hyped, you will need a lot of help!"

"Thank you, that's sweet!", Nathalie beamed at her. Then she got serious:

"You know, now that the new semester is about to start soon, you should try to graduate with the others. Your exams were excellent, your grades are better than Adrien's and I see nothing, that would keep you from joining your friends and classmates for those last few months. After that, I will gladly let you watch the baby, but I think you and Adrien both need the experience in the group. What do you think?"

Marinette closed her eyes and inhaled deeply.

"I don't think I can!", she responded, then continued reluctantly, "I feel safe here. Going to school feels like exposing myself to all sorts of dangers. My own father poisoned me there. How can I ever be safe anywhere again?"

Nathalie gasped. That was something, she hadn't even considered. She had thought, the young female was still grieving and therefor didn't feel like going back. It hadn't occurred to her yet, that it could be fear, that held her back.

"Oh sweetie, why didn't you say anything before? I do understand, that you're scared. But I am very certain, that something like that won't ever happen to you again! If the two of you decide at some point, to try for a child again, then I would understand your fears, but right now, they're irrational!"

"Yeah, maybe you're right. They are irrational anyway, because my father is still locked up. But if he comes free, then...."

"Then he won't get the chance to come near you or any of us. So why don't you just talk to Adrien about everything?", Nathalie suggested.

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