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This is what people wear to gigs, right?

Tagged; laceycross_x

Liked by; laceycross_x, declanrice, jackgrealish and 10,736 others

LaceyCross_x - god no
BenChilwell - what's wrong with it 😂
Username1927- omg I ship this!

"Lace!" Bens voice shouts across the stage, as she comes back onto the stage to exit the stage, sitting on the edge of the stage, as Ben and the others join her at the front. "Haha, hey" Lacey smiled, as Ben wrapped his arms around the girl, lifting her up and helping her down. "You were really good" Ben smiles, as Lacey smiled at him. "Thank you" Lacey laughed, as Lauren and Sasha were next to hug the girl, pulling her in and holding her tight. "I can't breathe" Lacey laughed, as the girls let her go, smiling at her. "I can see why LA wanted you" Jack smiled, as he pulled the girl in for a hug, smiling at her. "I'm proud of you yano" Jack smiled, as she nodded her head. "I'm just as proud of you, footballer" she giggled, as Declan pushed past everyone, picking the girl up and hugging her. "Woah Dec, hey aha" Lacey laughed, as he put her back on the ground. "You were amazing!" He smiled, as she nodded her head. "So I've been told" she whispered, as her eyes landed on Mason, who stood there a little awkward. "Yeah, you was good" Morgan stated, smiling at her, but the smile seemed forced, as Lacey nodded her head, thanking her for coming and for her comment. "Mase said we're going for drinks?" Morgan questioned as the group looked between each other, nodding their heads as they confirmed with Lacey who nodded her head. "Usual place?" Lacey questioned, as the group smiled, heading out of the venue, heading to the rooftop bar they always seemed to find themselves in.

"Listen to this, it's something Mitch just sent me" Lacey smiled, as she played a small snippet of the song to the table. "Who's Mitch?" Mason mumbled, his eyes scanning over Lacey. "Oh his the lead singer in the band I toured with, we collaborated when writing this" Lacey smiled.

Just give me some space and time to realise, that you, That you, were busy lying, sleeping round with other guys, what the hell were we, tell me we weren't just friends, this doesn't make much sense

Mason took a deep breath in as he listened to the lyrics, feeling that again, something was written for him, even if it wasn't Lacey singing it. "That sounds cool" Declan smiled, but his smile soon fell when he saw Masons face. "Mase, are you okay?" Sasha questioned, as he nodded his head, standing up from the table. "I just need some air, it's really hot in here" Mason mumbled, as he left the table, walking to the outside area on the roof, the tables eyes all glancing at Lacey. "Shouldn't it be Morgan's place?" Lacey whispered, as she then realised Morgan wasn't at the table. "She's been in the toilet a while hun" Lauren mumbled, as Lacey nodded her head, standing up from the table and following where Mason went.

"Mase?" Lacey whispered, as he turned around to face her, smiling slightly, but it soon fell from his face again. "You okay?" Lacey whispered, as he nodded his head, his expression on his face blank, no sign of the Mason she knew. "What's up?" Lacey questioned, as she walked a little closer to him, looking into his eyes, but again, they were as emotionless as his face. "Just life ain't it" he chuckled, as he ran a hand through his hair. Lacey shook her head. "If the problem is me I can leave, these were your friends first" Lacey whispered, as Mason shook his head. "I need to be honest with you" he whispered, as Lacey nodded her head, pointing towards the benches, as they both walked over to them, sitting down next to each other.

"I told Morgan about the baby" he whispered, as Lacey nodded her head, not wanting to get into the argument about the baby right now. "And she took it well I guess, better than me anyway" Mason mumbled, as Lacey shook her head. "You reacted the way I thought you would, I would of been more shocked if you was happy" Lacey laughed, as Mason took a turn to shake his own head. "No, I was happy, I was just shocked" Mason mumbled, as he pulled his wallet out, and showed Lacey the scan photo that he had taken from Declan's fridge, Lacey smiling at it. "But I feel like, it's hard to explain" Mason whispered, as Lacey put her hand on his arm. "Then take your time, don't rush, I'm here all night" Lacey laughed, as Mason looked down at her, smiling.
"I just feel like I told her and something changed, and I don't mean with her, I mean with me, it was like I was going to get another chance, the final chance I guess" Mason whispered, as Lacey looked at him, slightly confused by his choice of words. "What do you mean, you've lost me" Lacey whispered, as Mason shook his head. "I guess, part of me just thought that maybe things would go back to how they were with us, but then they didn't" Mason whispered, as Lacey nodded her head. "A baby can change things" Lacey whispered, as Mason shook his head. "I don't mean that, I mean I thought we would give it ago, be an actual family" Mason whispered, as Lacey sat still for a moment. "Are you saying you still want to be with me?" Lacey whispered, as Mason sighed, looking down at the girl again. "I'm asking you, if you want to be with me" Mason whispered, as Lacey shook her head. "We can't do this right now" Lacey whispered, feeling the baby inside of her kick at her stomach, almost as if to say 'don't do this'. Lacey smiled to herself and placed Masons hand on top of her stomach, letting him feel the baby, as he smiled down at her. "I promise, when the time is right we will talk about us" Lacey smiled, as Mason nodded his head, smiling down at the girl.

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