4. the lakes

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"Take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die,

I don't belong, and my beloved neither do you"

the lakes

The sun shone down on Goldie as she sat with her back up against a tree in the park, plucking the strings of her guitar, her songwriting notebook opened up in front of her, hoping to get some inspiration that didn't end up as a completely depressing song.

She listened as the birds chirped around her, enjoying the summer air just as much as she was.

She listens as the children played in the play park near where she was sat, and watched as the happy families, some of the parents not much older than her, sat on picnic blankets, enjoying the limited time they had off work to spend with their families.

Goldie had never understood why people would want to settle down in Elmdale. She didn't understand why you would work so hard through school to get out of it, only to put your children through the same thing.

It was a never ending cycle. If you were born in Elmdale, you stayed in Elmdale, you got married to someone you went to school with who also grew up in Elmdale, you had kids with said person, and your children repeated the cycle.

A lot of kids went to college, sure. And a lot of people worked outside of the town, yes. But they always found themselves back here, Elmdale, the root of all of Goldies problems.

Her parents, her ex... All in fucking Elmdale.

There was a time near the end of high school where she had almost completely lost hope, she was convinced she would never live the full life she always wanted. She hadn't seen anyone leave the town for years. That was until her mother left.

Her mother escaped the hellish state of the town, and while she hated her mother for what she done, leaving Goldie with that monster she was to call a father, she couldn't blame her for wanting to leave.

Getting stuck with in a marriage with her father was bad enough, but getting stuck in the marriage in Elmdale? That was the definition of hell on Earth.

"I seen you perform at the bar on Saturday."

Goldies head snapped up from her trance, trembling as she heard the all familiar, cold voice for the first time in over a year.

"You called me a shitty guy." He said in a joking manner, but Goldie could still sense the hints of annoyance in his voice, "That wasn't very nice."

Goldie couldn't stop her hands from shaking, she didn't know why he was here, what he was doing here. And of course, the time he finally did show up again, Goldie was alone.

"In your song, you said I wasn't sorry. That was a lie." He said.

Goldie was still sat up against the tree, too in shock from his sudden appearance to move away, but he kept his distance, at least a meter or two away, knowing better than to come closer.

"What are you doing here?" Goldie asked bluntly.

"I came back for a few weeks of the summer, I thought I'd come see how things were, how ya' doing, Golds?"

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