23. time flies by

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"Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it

I'd like to be my old self again

But I'm still trying to find it"

time flies by


"No. You're not understanding this," Bucky said, gripping his briefcase tightly as he navigated his way through the crowds of New Yorkers. "If your brother doesn't turn up to testify in court, we will loose this case. I don't have enough to go on if he doesn't testify."

He walked down the street at an alarmingly fast place. There was no place in New York for slow walkers. If you were slow there was no chance you were getting anywhere. If you were five minutes early, you were late.

"No, Eros. Tell your brother to book the first flight home from Ibiza he can... I don't really give a shit if his hotel is all inclusive. Eros, you have to tell him that if he doesn't testify his sentence only be extended."

Bucky fumbled in his suit jacket pocket, pulling out a set of keys to unlock the Murdock and Barnes law firm building.

He walked into the building, offering a small smile to his secretary, and one of the other lawyers who was hovering in the area.

He entered his office and slumped in his chair, running a hand through, what was his perfectly styled hair. Now it wasn't so perfect because this damn case frustrated him so much.

His dark, brunette hair has escaped its hair gel, some of it falling and framing his face. This had been an awfully long day.

Bucky ran the New York firm. As soon as he had finished his training as a lawyer, and got some experience under his belt, (he had only ever lost 4 cases in his entire career) Matt offered for him to become a co-owner of the business. Because of the experience he had under his belt from business school, which he didn't graduate from but that's not the point, Matt had been very eager for them to run the business together. Matt stayed in Elmdale, running that firm on his own, and Bucky commuted to New York. He didn't have his apartment anymore, he had sold it seven years ago, but because of the insane amount of money he made in this job, he could afford a new, much better place. He lived in a luxurious apartment in the sky

It had an absolutely amazing view of the city, right in the centre. He had a great view of the Empire State, and frequently spent his mornings people watching. He was so high up that the tourists were basically just little dots, but it was fun watching a foreigner waste fifteen dollars posing for a picture with some guy who painted themselves green and stuck a statue of liberty hat on their head.

"Eros. If you and your brother aren't sitting in my damn office next week, you are going to loose this case, and I don't loose cases, you understand me? Get your asses in my office next week, or your brother is going to prison."

Bucky ended the wall and sat back in his chair, taking a sip of water and let out a long sigh.

"Mr Barnes?"

A small petite woman stood in the doorway of his office, twirling her long, red hair around her fingers, a flirtatious smile on her face. She has a massive crush on Bucky, he wasn't so stupid that he didn't notice it, he just chose not to address the issue because she was his secretary, it wasn't professional, plus the fact that frankly, he wasn't interested in the slightest.

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