12. monsters

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"I cannot cry

Because I know that's weakness in your eyes"


The next few weeks had been... Unusually peaceful.

Goldies father had been out of town, she has no idea why, and frankly, at this point, she didn't care.

Her weeks had been filled with pure bliss. Most of her days were spent with Bucky, some with Wanda, and some with Steve, Wanda and Bucky. And today Daisy was finally getting home from her trip, so they'd all be reunited.

Just like every morning, Goldie was up as soon as the sun began to rise, much unlike Bucky, who was still sound asleep as she woke.

She was familiar with his family home by now, it was about 4 times bigger than her own, and the back yard was phenomenally large, much unlike her house back in downtown.

Staying with Bucky in the Peaks had been such a strange experience- Everyone was so nice, they were all people privileged enough to not have to worry about what could happen to them when they walk home in the dark, she could only imagine what their houses looked like when decorated at Christmas.

Some of them even had their own swimming pools.

Growing up, Goldie and Wanda always said that if they ever became rich and famous, the first thing they'd do was buy their own swimming pool because they used to hear kids at school from the Peaks talk about how much fun they were.

Goldie made her way downstairs to the kitchen, and sat up at the breakfast bar eating cereal, letting the crisp, fresh summer breeze flow gently through the open windows and blow around the loose strands of hair that framed her face which had fallen out of her french braids.

Next she moved off of the chair and began rummaging about the kitchen cupboards, and the pantry, until she found what she needed.

Checking one last time that Bucky was still asleep, she began to work on cooking up some pancake batter.

When she got to the point where she had to flip it, she dropped it on the floor- But she had made enough pancake batter to keep going.

"Hey Golds? C'mere." Bucky called, not realising that Goldie was actually just outside his bedroom.

"I'm right here." She said, kicking open the door, holding two plates of pancakes in her hand.

"Oh hey, doll. I hadn't realised you were there." Bucky greeted with a smile as soon as his girlfriend entered the room.

He sat up in bed, the sheets still covering his bottom half and a laptop on his lap.

"I was making breakfast." She placed both plates on the bed and climbed in next to him, pulling the sheets over her own lap, and holding both plates since Buckys lap was still occupied with the laptop.

"Yeah, I just wanted to show you something pretty cool." He said, opening up another laptop tab.

"Isn't that-"

"You? Yeah." Bucky grinned, "Someone must've filmed it at the diner and uploaded it to YouTube a few weeks ago, it's got 400 thousand views."

"Wait, are you serious? Let me see." She spun the laptop around to look at the view number.

"The comments as well, honey, look- 'This is incredible', 'here before she's number one on the American charts' oh, and this pinned comment is tagging your socials."

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