15. the phone call

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"I'd walk through fire for you

Just let me adore you"

the phone call

"Hey, Bucky?" Goldie called. He was in another room, but she wasn't sure which one.

"Yeah?" He called back, from what Goldie assumed, coming from the direction of the noise, was the kitchen.

"Do you have any paper?" She asked, "I had a song idea, but my notebook where I write all my lyrics are at my dads place."

"Oh uh," Bucky came through from the kitchen, wiping his hands on his dark coloured jeans. "I ran out this morning, there might be some in my dads study though. They're done with the investigations there, so we shouldn't have a problem taking anything out of it."

Goldie followed Bucky as he walked out of the room, and into the study.

It was a room Goldie hadn't been in before. When Bucky had said it was his fathers old study, she had decided it would just be best if she stayed away from it completely.

The room was dark, very dark. A harsh contrast to the rest of the house, which was all light, white and airy. But the study was dark, dark navy blue walls, and the smell of cigar smoke was still very prominent.

A large dark oak desk stood in the middle of the room, papers scattered all about, several pens with leaking ink cartridges ruining the most likely illegal documents spread over the surface.

Goldies eyes wandered around the whole room, but her feet stayed still, taking in every detail. She knew it was wrong, this was the former workplace of a criminal, but she was sort of intrigued to how his mind worked.

And then she saw something totally unexpected. A mural on the wall which displayed a symbol she definitely had seen before.

"What's the mural?" Goldie asked, trying to be casual, while Bucky filed through the desk drawers looking for paper.

He turned around, facing the wall behind the desk, looking at the white painting of an octopus symbol.

"Oh, that? I think it was one of his fucked up gang things." Bucky replied, shrugging it off.

But Goldie felt a lump form in her throat.

She had seen that symbol before, but not in the form of a painting. She had seen it in the form of a tattoo.

"We don't have to go there, doll. We can just buy you new clothes..."

Goldie shook her head, pulling Bucky towards the door, she was almost convinced that Bucky was more worried about going to her father's house than she was, but now that Goldie had suspicions of her father being an actual criminal, she was very eager to get her stuff and make it back to Buckys as fast as she could.

"He won't be home right now, he basically lives in the bar drinking every type of alcohol they offer, if he was home a lot I'd probably be dead." She joked, grabbing her coat and walking over further towards the door, gesturing for her boyfriend to follow, but he grabbed her hand, reluctant to go.

"Please don't joke about that..." He said seriously, pain filling his crystal blue eyes.

"Sorry, I, uhm"

"No, don't... Don't be sorry, I should be the one that's sorry. I should've looked out for you better, I'm supposed to look after you, I love you and I was so damn oblivious of what was happening, and when you needed me most..."

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