24. small world, huh?

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"I've been spending the last eight months

Thinking all love ever does

Is break and burn, and end

But on a Wednesday in a cafe

I watched it begin again"

C H A P T E R  T W E N T Y  F O U R
small world, huh?


It's safe to say she hasn't heard that name in seven years. Even Wanda and Daisy had just taken up with calling her Aurelia. Her head snapped towards the voice, her legs feeling like jelly as she met the same steel blue eyes, she thought she'd never see again. She gasped for breath, trying to say something, no words forming— She just opened her mouth and shut it again. She wanted to run over to him, hug him, feel him the way she used to. But at the same time she wanted to slap him, scream at him until her lungs were raw for leaving her. The first few months after the breakup were some of the toughest times she had ever faced, everyday she just wanted to pick up her phone and call him, tell him about her day. She knew in her gut they could've made a long distance relationship work. Bucky just didn't want to.


The guard stepped in front of her. Blocking her view.

From what she saw, he looked slightly older. But not in a bad way. He had aged well. He didn't radiate the same college boy vibes he had when they were together.

"Sorry, Sir. You're not allowed to be back here."

A security guard came close to Bucky, trying to push him out the area.

"No, no." Bucky tried to resist, "You don't understand. I know her."

The guard rolled his eyes, "Everyone knows her these days." He replied.

"No, but I actually know her." He protested, trying to push through. Bucky worked out a lot. He had a gym membership. Cost him a whole 15.99 a month. But this guy must've fucking lived in a gym, because there was no way this guy was letting Bucky anywhere near Goldie.

"Look, I do know him." She spoke to the guard softly. "You guys can go home for the night."

"Sorry, Miss Avery," The security guard shook his head, "It's my job you get home off the premises safely, I can't leave you with a stranger who doesn't have clearance."

She cast him a look, mouthing 'I'm sorry.'

"Miss Avery, it's time you get going."

She looked over at Bucky. He was still in complete shock of everything that had happened in the past two hours, and Goldie had no idea what he was doing here, but Bucky always had a motive, there must've been a reason to his visit.

"Empire State. 1pm." She said to Bucky, much to the guards dislike, as the security guard guided her to the private car.

Bucky just nodded, gulping.

It's not exactly the way he expected the night to go, but he got to see her again, talk to her again, her her voice, his name from her lips. It's never something he thought would be possible. Maybe Goldie performing tonight was fate giving them a second chance.

Bucky just had to find a way to not fuck it up big time, just like he had seven years ago...

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