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She has long black hairs that run down her waist, fair complexion and a near perfect body which is attractive of course, even though I did get attracted but the happier part is that I can find her now since I have a face and it will be much more easier than it was with just her voice, I take the screenshots from the video clip when Zurich says.

" She is sexy for sure but I don't get the good vibes." I am stunned at how he used the word sexy inhesistantly, I pat his shoulder and send the photos to the taxi driver. I interrogate to him, even though the pictures were side view, he told that he would check on it.
He rang me again, informing that he remembers dropping the girl. That is a sign of positivity. I will now be able to find her.

I give back the tablet to Zurich, and fall asleep without even realising.

The other thing I remembered was finding Scarlet on top of me, which was the most annoying part. I might have always wanted her back, but not after hearing to the girl. I feel I can finally let go off Scarlett.

The more I want to let go off her and move on, the more she keeps returning to me.

"Oh god you're still sexy but gained a bit of fat." She says being on top of me, I yell at her, getting up but she pushes me behind and places her hand on my chest.

"Scarlett your hands off me." I warn but she gives me a smirk.

"Oh darling! You cannot deny the fact that whether you want or not you will find yourself near me anyways." She said and I realized the bitter truth of my life and she is absolutely correct because since she is my mothers best friend's daughter I will have to tolerate her till I am here living in Portsmouth.
"Get off my brother you big bitch." Zurich screamed as he gets out of the washroom scaring Scarlett and she jumps out of my bed and falls off but I try to hold her from falling her but instantly Zurich bites on my hand which makes me lose grip on hers and she trips.

A series of emotions travelled in my mind, like I so wanted to laugh at how she tripped but also I was upset with how Zurich is reacting towards her, also I felt sorry for her yet I was happy that Zurich stopped me from doing another mistake.
Yeah the mistakes I always repeat by helping out those who don't deserve or those people who stabbed me in my back. I keep repeating that and keep getting hurt, even though that is actually idiotic and stupid on my part but I tend to believe they need help in spite knowing that they might be using me.
Zurich is smarter.

"Can this brat explain this idiotic interruption?" Scarlett shouts after she balances herself on her feet and stands folding her arm.

"What did I do to disturb you Miss. meany peeny chheeeny." Zurich spits, even though I wanted to laugh but he was being very rude and overly mannerless with her. Definitely he does not like her but that is not how he has been raised and that's not even his nature but he is behaving very strangely and I need to talk about this to him before he starts behaving the same way with everyone.
"Zurich!" I scolded but he completely ignored me and started pushing Scarlett.

"You little son of a.." I stop her before she completes the sentence because it was coming to my mom now and I do not want her to say anything against my family.

"Scarlett you may get back to your room and never get around me."

"That's not happening Nic. Ask this little shit to get to his room and give us some privacy."

"You are big piece of shit and this is my room. And my my, bro.. brother does not want to talk to you so just leave him alone." Zurich completes this long sentence in five minutes because he kept stammering over and over again to which Scarlett laughs very rudely.

"Aww you baby cannot even talk properly and trying to threaten. Hahaha very funny. Learn to speak without stammering." She says which gets Zurich crying and I so hate Scarlett for this, I grab hold on her hand and drag her out of my room.
"You are throwing me for this busta.."

"Not a word against him again!" I shout and close the door on her face.
"Of course. The reason they stay together, otherwise they would have left you begging on the road." She says and it hits me hard but I cannot show my weakness in front of my little brother, so with all the patience I had, I speak.

"Do not speak to the beggar again."

"Who would want to speak to you. For what you have done today you will have to pay badly." She said from behind the door and I heard her footsteps moving away.

"Zurich?" I look at my brother as I hear the footsteps disappear.

"I know this isn't what I am taught but Scarlett isn't the person I show respect to and I am sorry about that." He said and I feel every word of him because my brother being so young have the right choices of people and I still fail to understand the difference between the ones who deserve to be respected.

To Be Continued...Where stories live. Discover now