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The clock struck midnight, and my birthday began with the usual stream of calls and texts from friends and family. I smiled as I blew out the candles on the cake Amma had lovingly prepared. The dining area was decorated with soft lights, flowers, and everything she knew I loved. She had done her best to make it special, and I was grateful. But despite all the love surrounding me, my heart kept pulling in one direction.

Nicolas hadn’t called.

By 1 a.m., I had responded to every single message, thanked everyone who had wished me well, and answered every phone call—except the one I was waiting for. My phone was silent. No text, no missed call. Nothing from him.

I kept checking my phone, convincing myself it was just a delay. Maybe he had planned a surprise. Maybe he was waiting for the right moment. But as the minutes ticked by, doubt crept in. A sinking feeling began to settle in my chest. *Why hadn’t he called?*

Amma noticed my distraction. She walked over, resting her hand gently on my shoulder. “Everything alright, kanna?”

I forced a smile. “Yeah, Amma. Everything’s fine.”

She gave me a knowing look but didn’t press further. Instead, she kissed my forehead and left me alone with my thoughts.

I sat down, trying to focus on anything but the ache of his absence. My fingers absentmindedly scrolled through our old conversations, re-reading messages that once made me feel secure, safe. My mind wandered back to that call we had just days ago. Nicolas had said, *"I am always there for my bub, even if it’s 10 years from now. Your Nic is always there."*

I had recorded him saying it, playfully telling him, *"If you ever leave me, I’ll send you this."* We had laughed, but now, that recording felt more like a promise I was clinging to, afraid he might break it.

I glanced at the time again. 1:30 a.m. Still nothing.

In that conversation, we had talked for hours, the kind of deep conversation that made me feel like we had built our own world together. Nicolas had reassured me, saying things no one had ever said to me before. *"See, Harini, you can commit mistakes, I’ll be there holding your back. You know what? Even moons have spots, but you’re too perfect—you don’t have any spots. You’re pure."*

I had felt so much in that moment. His words touched a part of me I didn’t even know existed, filling me with a mix of pride, warmth, and a strange pang of hurt. It was overwhelming, but it felt real. And that’s what made his silence now even harder to bear.

I tapped my fingers against the screen, hovering over his name, wondering if I should call him. *Maybe something’s wrong,* I thought, but I hesitated. *What if he was planning something and I ruin it by being impatient?*

But that nagging feeling wouldn’t leave me. I typed a message, erasing it before I could send it. I didn't want to seem too eager, but at the same time, the uncertainty was eating me alive.

Just as I was about to put my phone down and try to sleep, it buzzed in my hand. My heart leapt for a moment, but it wasn’t Nicolas. It was one of my friends, asking how my birthday was going.

I sighed and glanced at the time again. It was now 2 a.m. I couldn’t help but feel the disappointment creeping in, deeper than before.

*Where are you, Nic?* I thought to myself, staring at his contact. It felt like the universe was playing a cruel joke on me. He always called, always texted. Why was tonight different?

Finally, I gave in and called him. The phone rang... once, twice, three times. Then it went to voicemail. My heart dropped. I tried again, but the result was the same.

I sat there for a moment, staring at the phone, my mind racing. Maybe something happened. Maybe he was busy. Maybe... maybe I was just overthinking.

But as the night went on, the silence from Nicolas only grew louder.

My birthday was on 29th of July, while his just two days later on 31st and he would say

"When we get married harini, it will be on 29th. I want both my special days on the same date. It will prevent me from forgetting it also." We chucked a bit and then I would say.

"No! That would be on 30th, in between both our birthdays." He agreed. But where was he now?

To Be Continued...Where stories live. Discover now