Part 1 ReWritten

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Re:Form-Reliving life in a different time:

Warning: I'm an Anime only so most of the lore may be wrong or changed in this story(maybe ı would even forget lore given by anime too sometimes ıdk). So ı'm sorry for those.

And thanks for the amazing helps from my new beta reader "The_Appa_Man" His help improved the writing in this a lot. All the differences in the writing style and fixes is his work.

Also this is a rewrite from the original part 1. I will continue rewriting the fanfic until the end of arc 1(part 4) to get a more consistent writing through chapters.

Prologue(Part 1):

It was a sunny day in Lugnica. The bright sun rays of the morning shone over a boy's scary yet relaxed eyes, slowly waking him open them. The boy stood, wishing the sun.

"GOOD MORNING!", The boy screamed, scaring a small girl near him.

"Announce your excitement a bit slower, I suppose", said the small girl.

"Come on Beako, today is the day!", The boy said.

He was so excited for this day. After a really long time he and his beloved angel will be alone together for sometime and have fun. His name was Subaru and he and his beloved Emilia were going on a date.

"You two don't even know what type of relationship you are in, in fact", Betty said, mocking Subaru.

"What do you mean Beako?", Subaru asked while sweating.

"Well, You two don't call yourselves in any closer terms than being friends, I suppose. And as much as you want to be more, Emilia's priorities make you a second thought for her, I suppose", the spirit said, pulling harsh words on Subaru.

Hearing those words put a spine into Subaru's happy morning.

Betty, realizing she hurt Subaru, got close to him.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, I suppose", Betty said, her face taking on an innocent look while she held Subaru's hand.

"I just hope you two would be able to finally open up to each other. And I will always be here for help, in fact!", Betty said proudly.

Subaru's happiness returned after Betty's encouraging words.

"For help? You are so cute but I'm sure I can handle it", Subaru said while patting Betty like a child.

"That handling will take decades, I suppose", Betty said while pouting

"He-Hey!", Subaru was taken off guard with Betty's last mock.

"Maybe Emilia would understand better than you if I talk to her, in fact", Betty said, teasing Subaru.

"Hey don't talk to Emilia-tan about that!", Subaru said, trying to stop Betty.

"Coward", Betty said, disappointed in Subaru.


The same sunrise arrived in a different yet a more messy room. While normally this room was very tidy in most times with few months of hard work created a mess of papers, books and all kinds of royal homeworks all over the place but one of the more tidy parts of the room, in the bed, there was an angel who was also waking up from the sunrise.

Her silver hair was shining from the sun rays and making the room even brighter while her beautiful amethyst eyes opened slowly with excitement that is as big as Subaru's.

She slowly woke up from the bed with a happy smile but her smile became a bit regressed upon looking at a blue crystal she was carrying all the time.

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