Chapter 3.

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Chapter 3


I woke up by a hard knock on my room door. I stretch my arms and took a minute to know why my body is in pain? I look around and saw I was lying on cold floor. Then all last night scene hit my. My marriage was broken yesterday. I don't know what to do to cry or to laugh to make me fool once again? I was still hoping this all was a joke but unfortunately it is not.

I notice door banging was gone. It must be Yasir Bhai. I sigh and get up. A sharp pain ran through my body causing me to fall again but stop by holding the edge of my desk. I walk in washroom and look myself in mirror. I was looking horrible. My eyes were red from crying. My face has become pale and my hairs were like someone put bomb and explode it.

I quickly get a hot shower, brush my teeth and walk out. I change into a pair of tights, and long blue shirt with cream hijab. I went down and saw Mom, Dad and Bhai having breakfast. I give my Salaam with small smile and start eating also. I avoid eye contact with them. I really don't want anyone to come and ask me are you feeling okay. I really hate it when people say that.

"Khadija?" Mom voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked up and saw sadness in her eyes. She has dark circles under her eyes.

"Yes Mom?" I try to sound cool like nothing happen. It is second time when this happen to me. First time, when Dad's friend ask to marry his son with me but later his son told everyone he already married and also had a son. Dad was really mad that time. It took a long time to get him back to normal. He says he shouldn't have say yes to his friends.

"Khadija. We want you to forget everything." Here it comes again. I look at everyone and notice their worried look at me.

"Forget what Mom?"

"What happen last night. Just forget it all. We will find better guy for you." Dad answer my question. I looked at him. He had same face expression like Mom. I look at Yasir bhai expecting he has the same but he was blank. I didn't say anything and play with my food.

"Dad. Give her some time to forget it." Yasir bhai says for me. We finish our breakfast and go back to daily routine. Dad went for cafe. Mom was in kitchen and Yasir Bhai took off from his work. I locked myself again in my room. I didn't feel going out today.

I lay on my bed and stare up ceiling. Do I forget it all? Do I able to forget Zaid? What he's doing right now? Did they left? Or still here? I turn to right side and saw our engagement picture. We were very happy that time so why now he thinking I am not perfect for him? Is there something missing in me? Or that was only an excuse of getting rid of me?

My phone ring pulls me out of my thoughts. I wipe my teary face and check the caller ID. I frown in confusion when I see unknown number.

"Hello?" My voice was slightly cracking.

"H-hello? Khadija?" The voice from other line says. I stiffen, I quickly remember that voice.

"Sana?" I whisper. Why she call me? Is there something left to tell me?

"Khadija. Please give me one chance to explain myself. Please." She pleaded. Why she is begging to give her a chance? She already did what she wants to.

"Sana there is nothing left to explain anything. I don't want to listen anything. Be happy in your new life." I said and ended the phone call and throw it away.

Why she call me? Did she want to know if I am alive or dead? They must be wrong if they think I am dead. Yes, it is true I love Zaid and I can't imagine living without him but I do, for my family. I live for my family for myself. I show them all what they think was all wrong. I can still enjoy my life.

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