Chapter 23.

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Chapter 23.


'What are they doing here?' Was the one question come in my mind when I saw them. Then my mind filled with question.Why are they here? Did they come for him? Did he tell them to come here? I thought his marriage was fixed. Well, that is what Hira Bhabhi told me when she come back from her home.

Rauhan and His family come here to take my hand for marriage. I can't believe. This is a dream. A beautiful dream. I lowered my gaze and closed my eyes telling myself this all is a dream. I count to 10 thinking when I open it again everyone will be gone but they aren't. When I open my eyes I looked up and my eyes locked with a pair of green eyes.

'This is not a dream. This is true.' I thought and smile mentally.

"Khadija." Again someone called me. I looked and saw his Mom sitting next to him with an apologetic look."I want to say sorry for what I did to you back in Pakistan. I was just worried about Rauhan. I have no personal issues with you, it is just someone put wrong things about you in my mind. I am really sorry for behaving like that. I also apologized Yasir for it."

"You don't have to say Sorry Aunty. I completely understand. I was just upset that people think whatever happen in my past was all happened because of me." I told her honestly with a small smile. She smiled back and starts talking to Mom.

Everyone was busy expect me and Rauhan. I looked around to avoid his stare. I saw Yasir Bhai, Asim and Usama Bhai talking about something serious. Hira Bhabhi and Aminah were talking with Mom, Aunty and Rauhan's Mom. Our Dads were also busy in talking.  His continuous stare making me uncomfortable.

"Um... I think we should give them sometime alone." Hira Bhabhi suggest. Everyone agreed expect Yasir Bhai. After many struggle he go with Asim and Usama Bhai. We were sitting across from each other.

I was looking down quietly and didn't say anything. I wanted to ask so many questions but I feel like someone keep me quiet from asking it. The question I wanted to ask badly is what make him think to do all this and How his Mom agreed to him marrying me?


It has been two days since I told my final decision to everyone. Two day without talking anyone. Two day since I leave my room. Two days of thinking about what will happen next.

I took a long relaxing shower and finally decide to go out. I wasn't going because I got bored. I am going to drop Hira at airport. Today she's going back. She came here for a week to do what she plan. But plan didn't work so she is going soon.

I went downstairs to and saw her bags in front of door and she was hugging Mom and Dad before she leave. Dad didn't come to me to ask questions about my decision. We stop at office and she says goodbye to Shaheer and Shehroz who also are upset with my decision. We drove to airport in silence. We didn't say anything since two days.

"What did I say to Khadija?" Hira asked me. We were sitting in waiting area and wait for her flight to be call.

"What you mean?" I asked confused.

"I told her I am coming here to make Mom ready for your marriage. If she asked anything by chance then what should I say?" She asked quietly. I just stare at her in surprised. She tell her why she is coming here.

"Did you tell her anything happening here?" I asked back.


"Tell her my marriage is fixed."I said swallowing a big lump. She looked at me and nodded. Her flight announced and she stood up. She turned around to walk but didn't go. She turned again and hugged me tightly. This is when I break into tears again. I hugged her back with same grip.

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