Chapter 38.

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Chapter 38.



"Are you done?" Rauhan asked typing something on his phone. I sighed and zipped the bag of Rauhan cloths.

"Yeah, everything is packed. Clothes, shoes and accessories." I told him and put it on floor. He stood up and take bags in to front door. It has been 2 days since we had dinner with Uncle. He give us tickets and told us to go on vacations. I don't want to go because Aunty didn't know. I had never done anything without telling elders and now I am going on vacations without telling my mother-in-law. I tried to argued Rauhan after Uncle was gone but he says Uncle give us tickets for our happiness and we wouldn't let him down.

I grab my bag and walk out of apartment after locking everything. I walk downstairs in parking where Rauhan is putting bags in Shehroz car. He is dropping us to airport. I give my Salam and sit on back seat and Rauhan take passenger seat.

We drove to airport in silence but not completely. Rauhan and Shehroz were talking about their office work after every 5 minutes. When they realise I am at back they apologize and get silent for few minutes before starting again. When we arrive at airport we thank him and Rauhan take our bags in airport. We showed our tickets and get through security check before flying to Maldives.


We reach hotel where we are staying for a week. Only a week. Neither me or Rauhan want vacation more than a week. He says a week will be enough for us. He promise uncle not to let his work come in our vacations.

"You can fresh up and take some rest." Rauhan says after we get in our room.

"Yeah, where are you going?" I asked confused when he turned to leave. He turned back to me and smile.

"I am to order some food. You want anything?" He raise his eyebrow. I shook my head and walk in bathroom when he leave. This room was big. There is a living room, a big bedroom and a balcony.

I change into comfortable cloths and lay on bed after switching off the lights. I always sleep after I fly on plane. I don't know what I do here when I don't want to come here. I can't enjoy vacations when I know Ayaz is after me and Rauhan Mom is upset with us. I hope she will know the truth soon.

"Khadija?" A soft voice call my name. I move in my sleep and groaned. I hate when someone wake me up from my sleep. A hand shake me but I pushed it away.

"Go away." I mumbled and snuggled into the warm pillow. I sigh when no voice came and it get completely silence meaning I could go back to sleep but I think I was wrong. A glass of cold water splashed on my face making me jump in surprise.

"What the hell!" I yelled at him making him laugh loudly. I try to glare but his laugh make me melt inside. Sometimes I think why I have to fall in love with him?

"Sorry but you weren't waking up."

"So you thought throwing a glass of cold water is the good idea?" I asked crossing my arms. He smirked and nodded.

"Yeah. It work. You wake up. Now go fresh up and change. We are going out for dinner." He said still smiling. I groaned and pulled the covers to stand up. I don't realise I sleep this long. We get here in afternoon and right now it is 8 in the evening.

I walk in bathroom after choosing what I have to wear. I took a warm relaxing shower and changed into long purple shirt with dark jeans which Zoya bought for me when we do shopping at mall. I went back in room, dried my hairs and put my hijab.

Rauhan was already ready in his white shirt, dark jeans and blue jacket. He looked back when I step in living room and my heels click on marble floor. He smile and stood up.

"I thought you didn't wear jeans." He says walking out of hotel room. I shrugged and lock the door behind me.

"Zoya bought it when we go for shopping." I told him and a hint of scare in my voice when I remember Ayaz attacking me. It seems Rauhan sense my emotions that's why he grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently.

"Don't worry I will never let him hurt you again." He says and step into empty elevator. I stood closer to him making him look at me but I just smile and leaned into him.

"I know. I am safe with you." I said and close my eyes. I feel him placing a kiss on my forehead and just then elevator door open. We walk out of hotel and sit in car which Rauhan take it on rent while we are here. We drove off from hotel. On our way I saw beach and I want to go there with Rauhan but I know I couldn't because he already planned everything we are going to do here.

After half an hour we come to stop. Rauhan open door for me and grab my hand as we walk in Muslim restaurant. We went inside and manager show our table that Rauhan booked for us. It was in corner with a great view of water fountain. This table is far away from others. It was for those who especially booked in here.

"You like this place?" Rauhan asked after we seated. I give him a nod while looking around. We give our order and waited for it while we talk a little. Rauhan told me about this new Business magazine success. I am glad he is happy in his work. Even Asim is happy working as chief editor in Texas office.

We walk out of restaurant after eating dinner and enjoying. When we get back hotel it is late and we are tired. We changed into night cloths and get some sleep


Update! I hope you all like. I know this chapter is boring but next will be interesting. 

Thank you Somayya789 for telling me that Men in Islam can't wear gold but honestly I haven't heard about it before so please ignore my mistake. 


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