Chapter 16.

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Chapter 16.


I walk out of exit of airport and get in cab. I take my phone out and check Dad message telling me to come home fast. We stop in front of my house. I paid to driver and walk to front door. I saw two cars in our driveway. One was of Ayesha and second I don't know.

"You know he don't want to do these things now. Then why you call them here?" I heard Dad angry voice as I walk inside. I put my bag down and walk in living room where Ayesha her family and some other people seated.

"I am doing all this for him. He needs to settle down. He needs to know his responsibilities like a married man."Mom voice come from some distance. I walk toward it and saw Mom and Dad with red faces.

"What's going on?" I asked crossing my arms. Dad looked up and sighed before shaking his head. Mom look at me surprised before she compose herself and walk over me with a smile.

"You say you're coming tomorrow? Then how you come here early?" She asked confused.

"I finish my work early. What's going on out there?" I asked pointing to living room. She looked there then at me.

"Ayesha came with her best friend. She wants you to meet her."She says and take me to living room. Everyone get quiet when they saw us. Ayesha stood up and walk over me with a smile.

"Assalam-o-Alaikum Rauhan. How are you?"

"Walaikum Assalam. I am fine. How are you? What are you doing here at this late of night?" I asked normally. She looked at Mom then at me.

"I came to meet my best friend to your Mom"

"Oh." Was all I says.

"Rauhan, she is Sarah. She live in Canada and just finished her studies." Mom says pointing to the girl sitting next to Ayesha's mother.

"So?" I asked her with not really caring look and show everyone my attitude. Everyone looked at me surprise while Dad smirked. I got this from him.

"That means you are marrying her." Mom says sternly. I mentally roll my eyes like I do?

"Sorry Mom but I can't."

"Why?" Ayesha asked stepping next to Mom.

"Because I want to marry someone else." I told them smiling sweetly. Mom glared at me and Ayesha looked at Mom in disbelief.

"But Aunty says you are single and you don't like any girl she showed to you."

"That's right. I want to marry Khadija." I turned to everyone in room. "Sorry for disturbing you but I can't do this. You all may leave." They all stood up and walk out of my house without saying anything else.

I looked at Mom and waited for her to say something but she keep glaring at me. I looked at Dad and he was standing in corner quietly but also red in anger.

"Why you do that?" Mom asked quietly.

"It is my choice. I don't want to spend my whole life with someone else." I told her.

"So that gold digger trapped you in her plan?"

"She is not a gold digger. What you say to Khadija and Yasir?" I asked calmly. Dad walked over and stand few steps away from us. Mom started to get nervous and avoid eye contact.

"I didn't say anything to her. I don't know what she says to you but she is lying. And why you go to meet her?"She asked glaring at me. I shake my head.

"She didn't say anything to me or I go to meet her. I go to meet my sister and to help her setting her house. Yasir was angry at me but didn't say anything. I want to hear it from you."

"Okay. I told her to stay away from you. She is a gold digger. She was rejected two time and I know that all because she had done something wrong in her past. She trap rich people for marriage. And you also stay away from her."

"Why you say this to her? You know how bad she feel. If someone says those things to our daughter then will you do? I bet you can't leave them so easily like Yasir do. If I know you say those things to her I ask her to forgive you. I don't know what happen to you or who tell you these types of things." Dad says angrily and walked away.

"Mom I am telling you one last time,please stop all this. I don't want to talk to you like that but please stop blaming innocent peoples." I pleading her but she look away.

"I want to marry only her. I can't stop myself thinking about her. Please Mom be happy with your son.Please?" She looked at me and shook her head.

"I can't do this Rauhan. I can't see how she ruined you. You will never be happy with her."

"She will never ruin me Mom. She is the only one with whom I will be happy. Please Mom... For me?" She glared at me and walked away. I sighed heavily and ran my hands through my hairs. I pickup my bag and walk upstairs in my room. I throw it on bed and took a long relaxing shower.

I walk back in my room and lay on my bed. I send a quick message to Hira telling her what Mom told me. She was shocked because Mom never did these things or says anything to someone.

I don't know what happen to Mom but I know she didn't say those by herself. Someone tell her that. My Mom never says someone in that way. She was fine before wedding but after coming from there she is changed. Someone say something to her at wedding.

'I hope Mom accept my decision and make Khadija her daughter-in-law. But I also know this all is not easy for any of us.'

'Pray for the best' my inner voice says. I make a silent wish for everything gets better. I closed my eyes and her heartbroken face flash in my eyes.


Update! I hope you all like it.

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