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My heart stop and my throats were dry. I don't know how to react or what to say. It has been 2 years since I saw them. Seeing them together bring all painful memories back in my mind. I feel pain shot in my chest when I remember how they betray me.

'We are Married' these 3 words make my eyes watered but I hold back. I am not weak anymore. I am strong and now I have Rauhan with me.

I looked at my parents but they were staring right back at me. Slowly I walk forward and stop on my steps when I saw her holding a little boy. He look just like his Dad. He had his big black eyes and brown hair just like his Mom. I walk forward but keep my eyes stay on the boy. I carefully take him for her and smile shakingly. He look at me confused but then smile showing his two teeth.

"Khadija." My little sister says my name softly. I looked up at her and smile happily. No matter whatever they do with me but I miss my sister.

"Sana." Zaid take his son from me and let me allow to hug my sister. I cry hard on my sister shoulder. Since we were kids she is my other half. We do everything together and we enjoy each other company. People think we are weird because I am 3 years older than her but I don't care because I had only one sister who I lost 2 years ago but now I have her back in my life.

"K-Khadija, I a-am sorry for what I-I do. P-please forgave m-me. I m-miss you so much. P-please." She says between her sobbing. I pulled back and wipe my face then her.

"I forgave you when I realise what you did was good for us. You did it because you don't want me or Zaid to be unhappy. You did it because you want to see me happy and you care about me. I am glad you marry him and I meet Rauhan who actually love me and care about me." I told her honestly with a smile. She smile back and hugged me one more time. I looked up at Rauhan and he was looking back at me with a soft smile.

After crying and forgiving each other I went to my parents and gave my Salam. Yasir Bhai was little angry on Sana but I know he didn't stay like that for a long time because he love her and her little son who is now with him. Yasir Bhai was making him giggle by making funny faces. Yasir Bhai told me that Asim says he want some time to get everything out of his mind. He says he can't forgive Zaid for what he do with me. I don't blame him because I know he is hate who betray him or anyone in his family. But he couldn't do anything with Zaid because he is Sana husband and now in our family.

Zaid told us they are back in Texas and live with his parents. They forgave them and allow to live with them but Alia was still mad at him. He also tell us that Rauhan find and contact them so he could complete my family. He did it for me. Because last month was Sana birthday and I miss her badly. Every year we went to her favorite restaurant and celebrate it. I was looking at pictures of her past birthday when I told Rauhan how much I miss her.

I looked around on big table and saw everyone talking and laughing. They were enjoying their selves. I hope this wasn't a dream. A hand on my hand from under the table make me turn to my right. I look at my husband, my love Rauhan and give him a soft smile. He smiled back and give my hand a light squeeze.

"Thank you." I whisper looking deeply in his green eyes. The eye in which I never get bored looking in. He smiled.

"Anything for you." He replied and put his chair closer to mine and make my head rested on his shoulder while looking at big happy family.

The End.


Last Update! I hope you all like the end. Tell me last time what you think about last chapter and book.

Anyways, One of my reader asked me about writing another story of Rauhan and Khadija but sadly their story end here. I want to know from everyone that should I write another story related with Khadija and Rauhan lifes? That will be on Asim. If you agree then comment.

Thank you to them whose names for mention below and everyone else who support me and love my work by their silent reading and votes.


























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