Chapter 18.

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Chapter 18.


"What he is doing here?" I asked completely confused. He was standing at entrance and scanned the whole restaurant like he come to meet someone.

"I don't know.I didn't call and tell him we are here." Asim says still looking at him. I saw as Asim eyes shift to his right.

"He come to meet some girl." He says and quickly looked back at me. I looked at him confused. I looked back and saw Rauhan setting with a girl smiling at her.Suddenly a pain shot in me as I watch him talking, smiling and having fun.

'Maybe they were together' I thought with a mental sighed.

Our order came and we start eating. I was eating quietly and looking down at me plate while Asim was looking over my shoulder after every 5 minutes.

"Stop it Asim.You were going to caught us." I hissed and give him a glare. He looked at me and rolled his eyes. I never understand him.

"I will be right back" He says and walk away. I looked back and saw Rauhan wasn't there but that woman still sitting at that table.

'Maybe he got a call or something important' I shrugged and look back at my plate and start eating.


I keep running as I think what Mom says. I don't even think she would use gold digger word for someone. I never heard Mom using this type of word before. But it's not Khadija mistake. It was those two who left her without thinking what people says when they know about her.

Suddenly someone press button and it stop machine. I looked and saw Shaheer with worried look. I ignore him like I was doing since I come back. I didn't talk anything about it with them. I didn't even tell Hira about my feelings. Dad was right. I am falling for her. I should say I have to stop this but I can't control my feelings toward her. She had done a great effect on my heart.

I changed my clothes from work out and went straight to restaurant where Ayesha is waiting for me. I decide to tell her everything about Khadija. She is a good listener and also give helpful suggestions.

I park my car in parking and went inside. As I walk inside delicious food smell hit my nose. I look around and spot Ayesha on other side of restaurant. Me and Hira come here whenever we feel eating desi food.

I take my seat and smile at her giving my Salam. We give our order and start talking. She told me how Mom called her here and told her I want to marry someone else who didn't relate to her.

Ayesha told me her marriage was also fixed yesterday. She told me he live in Canada. He was her Dad's friend. She told me they were together for 2 years before they tell everyone. That is where I find it weird. Dad always tell me that in Muslim we don't get into relationship only do marriage.

We talk about our memories together. How we do fun when we three were together. We were together in school. We do fun with our teachers but never disrespect them. She told me what she do in Canada with her new friends.

Our food came and we start eating and talking. I excused myself for restroom. I walk in there and quickly freshen up. I was about to walk out when door open and someone came making me shocked. I looked at him with wide eyes. What he is doing here? Did he came alone? Or someone is with him? I was so lost in my thought I didn't realise I was staring at him until he clear his throats.

"Hello Rauhan" Asim held his hand out. I looked at his hand then at him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked shaking my hand with him. He close the door behind him and leaned on wall next to it.

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