Chapter 24.

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Chapter 24.



Today is the day I am waiting for. The day when I make her mine. The day I am excited and nervous for. Today is my Nikah with her. We are doing it in Texas just like they want. The Reception will be at my home next weekend. Today is Wednesday and the date which Maulana give us to do.

After getting back home a month ago. Dad and Mom goes to Masjid to do Istikhara and it come in Yes. For Mom confirmation we do it 3 times and all times it came in Yes. Khadija family also told us it come in yes and they were very happy. They want it to do big because it was the first marriage in their family.

I don't mind having the big wedding because Mom and Dad also want the same because I am their only son. Our all relatives are coming including Saima Aunty who is coming with her5 kids. 2 sons and 3 daughters. 2 daughter and a son is from her first husband while other 2 were my Uncle kids.

We rented a house todo all preparations of Nikah. In morning I signed the papers and then it is taken to Khadija to sign it. After Nikah was complete we started to ready for hall where relatives of both family come and give us their blessings. I was wearing Sherwani that Dad choose for me. Shehroz and Shaheer were also with me. They wear Blue and Black Sherwani. Dad wear his White Shalwar Kameez.

"Time to go." Shehroz sing coming in my room with Shaheer. They both were smiling and looked happy with all this. After it came in Yes, I told Shehroz and Shaheer and apologized for misbehaving with him earlier.

"Is this looking good?" I asked nervously biting my lips. They rolled their eyes and pulled me out with them.

"This is the ahundred times you asked since you get ready." Shaheer said with a dramatic sigh. I playfully hit him.

"When you will be going to marry and get nervous I will say the same as you." I told him and we went outside. Everyone already leave and its just Me, Shehroz, Shaheer ,and Dad. Mom and Hira also left to greet others.

"Stop it you idiots." Dad scold them. They lowered their head in submission and keep quiet. There are afraid of my Dad.

"Thanks Dad." I thank him smiling but faded when he say something.

"Rauhan, I am saying to you also. You are also an idiot. Now get in so we could go." Dad smirked at my shocked looked. Did he insult me? In front of my friends who were chuckling at me. I gave them a  glare but they keep going. We get in cars and drove off. 

When we get at hall,they took me in hall where everyone was waiting for us. I walked toward stage with my friends and seated on big couch. Some of my friends and relatives come to take photos with me. After like 20 minutes they call Khadija. Light went off and a spotlight appear at entrance of hall where my wife is standing and slowly started to walk toward stage. She was looking beautiful like always. She wear Red dress that Hira send me picture of when they all went for shopping. Her face was hidden under the light red cloth but still I can see her face. 

As she stop in front of me. Like a gentleman I stood up and give her my hand to hold it. Slowly she put her warm and shaking hand in mine and step on to stage and sit next to me.Flashes were still coming. I looked her from corner of my eyes and saw she was looking down. I look as my chance and held her hand in mine. First I feel her tense but then she relaxed.

First, our families came and give us their blessing and take some photos with us. Then, Usama Family, some of my relatives and some her relatives come to wish us. Then those people come who I never wanted to here with us. Saima Aunty came with her family. She sit on single couch and her two daughter sit with us. Zoya and Ammara. Ammara is the one who I was supposed to marry. She sits next to me and suddenly hold my hand making me looked at her shocked. I tried to take it back but she didn't let me.

On other hand I feel Khadija slowly take her hand away from mine. I turned to her and saw her eyes on mine and Ammara hands. I could feel my blood boil. I clenched my hand into fist to control my anger. I looked at Saima Aunty who was giving a hateful look to Khadija and rolled her eyes when she saw me.

When Hira bring food for us. I tried to talk Khadija but she ignored me and keep eating. After everything was finished. We drove to hotel that Dad booked us a room for tonight. Tomorrow morning I drop her at her house to grab her bags and meet her family so after that we could go for our home.

When we get in our room, Khadija straight went to change her cloths and ignore me when I tried to talk her again. When she come back I go to change and when I get back in room I saw her in bed with her eyes closed. I know she is not sleeping because she was taking deep breath.

"Khadija"I call her name softly sitting to her side but she didn't reply me.

"Khadija, I know you're not sleeping. Please answer me." I call her once again but still she keep quiet with her eyes closed. I tried few more time before giving up and sleep on other side.

I know Saima Aunty do it on purpose. To make misunderstanding between us. It hasn't been a day we get married and she started to make distance between us but I never let her do that again. I will tell Khadija everything happened. I tell her soon who is Saima Aunty, what type of she is and what she want from us.

'I have to wait until we get to my home. Actually our home.'  I correct myself with a smile.


Update!  I hope you all like it & please let me know what you think about this chapter.

Next update will be out soon or maybe after this chapter. Depend on my mood. Well, I try my best to update again.

Eid-ul-Adha Mubarak To all Muslims and Non-Muslims. Have a Wonderful Eid. For my Pakistani Readers. Chand Raat Mubarak. :)


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